Let’s face it. Anderson Cooper is a National Treasure!
As heard he was attacked in Egypt while covering the conflict in Egypt .
Luckily he wasn’t hurt too seriously.
So I thought we should take a moment to celebrate Anderson Cooper being okay as he constantly puts himself into dangerous situations. There are so many pictures out there showing that he isn’t just recording information he is actually getting involved. Really nothing I write here would do justice to Anderson or the soldiers who put aside their own fear and safety on our behalf.
In my opinion Anderson Cooper represents the old guard and the new, connecting the old way of doing things with a new and improved future we are trying to build.
Which will hopefully lead to more people coming out of the glass closet. While he has officially confirmed nothing. He has lived his life and their really is no doubt.
Say what you will, Anderson has brought us forward, given America a face to put on our cause by not bearding etc. However, we have a long road ahead of us. It is very personal decision that the GLBT community argues amongst themselves about. We have the common goal, but different ways of getting there. Unfortunately, we sometimes get in our own way. Still we have made progess and that is a good thing.
At times like these, we can use all the humor we can get our hands on. Enjoy.
I always liked Kathy but how come she gets to be all grabby with the Silver Fox?
Red Headed BITCH. Ooops, sorry my jealousy sometimes runs amok.
Apparently Anderson ended up at Kathy’s house.
I’m guessing Kathy’s mother took this as it is so blurry.
I think
He looks as good in a suit as he does in a t-shirt and jeans.
He is a mans man who is not afraid to get his hands dirty.
Get your mind out of the gutter, there’s not enough room for all of us!
Say what you will, Anderson Cooper is not a man to tangle with.
Unless it’s between the sheets of course!
My impression is that he is very nice, but if you piss him off, watch out!
JFC!! Anderson Cooper!!
I wonder why the Silver Fox looks so happy?

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