Somebody replied to an anonymous comment left in LJ: |
Wedding/6x12, nicked from LJ which was nicked from somewhere on tumblr:Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Hug Comparison
I think that pretty much answers the question as to wether it's Jensen in the wedding pic. (Not that I ever doubted it).
Psychotically,irrationally, erotically co-dependent? Oh yeah!

Somebody replied to an anonymous comment left in LJ: |
Maybe Jensen had a different hair style?Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
He did. Don't you remember he was wearing it like someone from the 1920's and had a ton of product in it. Basically it looked like shit and a lot darker than normal. YMMV
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
Different lighting as well. I think it's pretty clearly Jensen.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonEXHIBIT A:
Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Hug Comparison
I've always noticed how slightly flat the back of Jensen's head is, as opposed to the wedding fic where the curve is more pronounced. I still think that it's Jensen, but the head shape has always been a stumbling block in why I can't totally believe it yet. It could be that his hair lays flat that way when it's a bit longer given that it's bunching up in the collar of his blue shirt adding to the illusion. Does anyone else have any stills of him from side/behind? The change in hair color can definitely be attributed to the lighting so non-issue for me. Otherwise, the height is just about perfect considering Jensen tends to wear heeled boots as Dean.
Or maybe it was just that Jared put his arm up first and Jensen had no option but to put both arms round his neck? I've seen drunk guys hug like this all the time, hanging round their friend's necks in a way they wouldn't if they were sober. (and you know that either of the guys wouldn't hug like this in public if they hadn't had too much to drink, SO or not).Their reply was:
Not that I'm saying that the guys aren't a couple but really if get lovers from that photo I've suddenly got blackmail photos on my brother and all of his friends! Nice pictures though, I like my guy hugs.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
But as has been said before, it's not a single thing that makes the Hat case persuasive. This photo (like the one we had from Susan Gittings the other day) isn't in of itself convincing. Independently, each piece 'could' be explained away. Its the whole, the aggregate of 'evidence' working together that makes the case, that makes each new piece of info more likely to be indicative of a more-than-friends relationship.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
You know, as much as I would love it to have been Jensen, I really don't think it was. Jensen's hair, even then, was not that short and that dark. I kind of think it's Jordan Hagan. Personally, I think Jared would have been using both his arms like he did for his brother.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
Nah. I think it's Jensen. Height, body shape, pose: all the same. I think hair color and head shape is explained by the different lighting and clothing.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
But as has been said before, it's not a single thing that makes the Hat case persuasive. This photo (like the one we had from Susan Gittings the other day) isn't in of itself convincing. Independently, each piece 'could' be explained away. Its the whole, the aggregate of 'evidence' working together that makes the case, that makes each new piece of info more likely to be indicative of a more-than-friends relationship.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
Wasn't it confirmed that it was Jensen by the people who made the knives for the grromsmen? Last time we talked about this picture someone mentioned a blog...(during christmas holidays IIRC)?
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
I think it's Jordan and it saddens me. I would have loved for it to be Jensen, but the hair color is wrong and the things you call, height, body shape and pose is very similar for them both. There's a photo (which I can't find at the moment) of Jared and Gen outside a restaurant in LA two years ago, where it's a guy in jeans and a leather jacket who a lot of people thought to be Jensen, but I'm pretty sure that one is Jordan too. In that pic you can see the guy slightly from behind and he stands with his hand in his pocket, very similar to Jensen, but the hair color and the shape of the head is wrong in that one too. The hair in both pics are darker and more blueish.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonEXHIBIT B:
this pic?
People thought it was Jensen? O.o they look totally different to me...
And IMO in the wedding pic is Jensen
Subject: Re: Hug Comparison
YMMV etc
Yeah, this hug seems almost cold on Jared's part... one arm completely at his side, pulling back with the lower half of his body. If that was Jensen, I think he would be more into it.Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Hug Comparison
Except for the closed eyes which is, I am led to believe, a traditional tell for emotion. And he might have something in his hand that means he doesn't want to lift it. It looks a pretty intimate hug to me, from both sides, and I'm afraid I'm not convinced by the "hair color" thing. That's the result of the lighting. All things considered I think it's just as likely to be Jensen as Jordan (or whoever), and given the body language in the hug more likely in fact. In any case, I'm with the nonnie above: hasn't it already been confirmed this is JA?
Somebody replied to an anonymous comment left in LJ: |
ayrtTheir reply was:
If you compare Jensen in the SPN pic to the guy in the wedding pic, the wedding guy is shorter.
I don't remember it being confirmed that it was Jensen only speculation that it had to be him because of the "sad" look on Jared's face. I would be happy to look at any link.
Subject: Re: Hug Comparison
mmm...let's agree to disagree on this;)
I remember someone posted either the link or pasted what the wife of the guys who had made the knives had written in her blog (I think...fuzzy memory, sorry!) and IIRC she confirmed the hug thing.
I can't find the link, because I've started tracking only recently...I'll look in the older posts though:)
Somebody replied to a comment left in LJ: |
" the wedding guy is shorter"Their reply was:
Which could be explained by the way they're standing, someone bending their knees, depth of the soles on their shoes etc, etc, etc. It's JA.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
Look at the wedding picture, Jared is slightly bending over. In the set picture, he is not. Unless Jensen is standing on a box, wedding guy is shorter than Jensen.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
Because he's standing slightly further away? We'll have to agree to disagree, nonnie. I'm not sure why you're determined for it not be JA, but I just don't buy the whole different hair/shorter. It's lighting and pose. I wouldn't expect two photos on a different day to be absolutely identical; the point is the similarities are sufficient for JA to be a likely candidate. All things considered I think it's more likely that it is him than it isn't.
Whatever, though. If you don't think it's him, you don't think it's him. I do. And that's all cool.
Subject: Re: Hug Comparison
It wasn't confirmed exactly, but there were pix taken in the same spot (in front of the same wall decoration) with J2 and the knife-wife. Jared most likely has the knife present in his hand, which is why he's holding it away from Jensen. You know, if it isn't Jensen, it doesn't make sense to say Jared's left hand is down because he's not that into the hug. Look at the whole rest of the way he's squeezing the huggee, plus the closed eyes indicates intensity and concentration. A person who isn't really into a hug but accepting it smiles a little and keeps eyes wide, looking out. (See: Soulless Sam's hug of Dean in the first ep.)
The only reason for Jared to have his left hand down is that there's something in it.
All IMO, of course.
Subject: Re: Hug Comparison
The wedding hug picture needs to be taken in context of the other photos in that series posted by the photographer. Right before this were several pics of the Jensen posing with the knife that the knifemaker gave him and with Jared, Clif, etc that were clearly taken in sequence in the same hallway. Then this photo capped the series and to me that's what made it seem logical this photo was of the Js hugging. Obviously ymmv.
The knifewife only talked about the knife being presented to Jensen, and how pleased he was, nothing about the hug specifically.
Talk about timeloops. This was discussed to death when the photos were first posted and if you weren't around for those discussions then go back and take a look. All these points and more were raised and the photo was just taken out of context.
Somebody replied to an anonymous comment left LJ: |
daTheir reply was:
If Jared was giving the knife to Jensen, why is he still holding it? I'm trying to remember but I think Jared still had his jacket on at the time and the picture has him with the jacket off.
Nonnies keep trying to use the hallway as proof that it's Jensen like no one else dared to be in the hallway.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonEXHIBIT C:
He has his jacket off in all of the pictures that are right before the hug. reply was:
It's not that no one else was in the hallway, it's the sequence of the pictures, there are six pictures of Jared with Jensen and Clif/Gen/the knife-maker in that hallway immediately before the hug. Also, Jensen was the only groomsman who seemed to keep his jacket on the whole time.
I figured he might be holding one of the other groomsman's presents in his hand.
Subject: Re: Hug Comparison
Jared has the same look on his face in both pictures. He's acting in one so concentrating on scene.
The wedding one looks like he was walking pass and someone wanted a quick hug. Someone could be saying something to Jared. I agree Jared was holding something in his hand, perhaps Gen's hand. The hug looks rushed to me.
Salt, blah, blah
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
I know. Yeah Gen's short, but she's not actually a munchkin so where was she if she was holding his hand? Crouched down at his feet? God the stupidity of some people when they're trying to prove they're right all evidence to the contrary.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
Here's the part of the KnifeWife's blog entry pertaining to the knives:
About 6 weeks before the wedding Bob and I were in bed, and I got a text. It was Gen and Jared asking if Bob could make knives for his groomsman gifts.
At dinner Jared went from Groomsman to Groomsman delivering the knives. Jensen was at our table. Before he received his, another Groomsman came to the table to show him his knife. Jensen oohed and aahed, and when the man walked away Jensen hung his head: "I wish I got a knife" he murmured into his plate. Moments later Jared came to our table and gave Jensen his knife. The expression on his face and Bob's face watching Jensen get his gift made my evening. Bob rarely gets to see someone get a knife he has made as a gift. As the evening went on-Bob, Jensen and the other crew guests at our table had some pretty colorful conversation. Bob was so pleased that the guys were so pleased.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
I love that hug between Jared and Jensen at Jared's wedding. So much emotion in that picture. You'd be blind not to see it. Very intimate.
Subject: Re: Hug Comparison
that starts with Jared and Jensen posing with the knife guy and ending with the hug that pretty much proved this was with Jensen. Unfortunately, although I know I saved it, I've spent a half hour looking for the damn thing and can't find it now, but I'm sure someone else with a better filing system then me can provide it.
I suck at filing too, but I track and thankfully I didn't delete that thread, so here you go :)
First of course, lets set the scene leading up to the epic!manhug.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
Jensen's must have been knocking back the vino... those are some red wine stained lips.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonD:
Jensen's must have been knocking back the vino... those are some red wine stained lips.
I think both members of J2 knocked back copious amounts of alcohol at each other's weddings---and their own! Not to mention a little pot to calm a freaking out Jared.

Subject: Re: Hug Comparison
That'a it thanks nyh. And now that I see them again I can't help but be struck with other things I remember about them like how Jared was leaning into Jensen and how his hand on his shoulder tightens once Gen joined the group and that his other hand, which had been loosely clasped on Clif's shoulder now was pulled back so that he was neither touching Clif or Gen. Interesting body language that, but YMMV.
I remember these pictures and thread! A hat posted several times the way Jared's hand was on Jensen's shoulder was a signal that they were lovers. No doubt she is on this thread now.Their reply was:
Look how big Jensen's smile is when Gen pops into the picture.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
Look how big Jensen's smile is when Gen pops into the picture
That would be sweet if he was the one who had just married her.
Subject: Re: Hug Comparison
Look how big Jensen's smile is when Gen pops into the picture.
That was gas.
Subject: Re: Hug Comparison
Have you ever seen Jensen actually smile a real smile, cause bb that aint it. Frankly I think he looks wasted in all the pics and not exactly happy either. YMMV
Somebody replied to a comment in LJ:
how Jared was leaning into Jensen and how his hand on his shoulder tightens once Gen joined the group and that his other hand, which had been loosely clasped on Clif's shoulder now was pulled back so that he was neither touching Clif or Gen.
That's funny, actually I was the first one in that thread who mentioned t (I think), and I got pretty thoroughly yelled at, called delusional, jelous, bitter old bitch and everithing in the book. Good ol' times :)
Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonE:
Well not by me I guarantee it. I remember that wank and I was on your side. That positioning was just glaringly obvious IMO. I really don't think that at that moment Jared wasn't thrilled to be reminded just who he married and I also thought that little squeeze might have been his way of assuring Jensen and possibly himself that his new wife wasn't going to affect what they have. YMMV

Somebody replied to an anonymous comment left in LJ: |
I'm still amazed at how obvious Jared's annoyance is when Genevieve pops in the picture.Their reply was:
LOL! So true! It's like he's saying, "Dayum! You again?"
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
I agree, and it's funny because she's the woman he just married but it certainly looks like she's not the one he wished he'd married.
Subject: Re: Hug Comparison
"I'm still amazed at how obvious Jared's annoyance is when Genevieve pops in the picture"
LOL. It does look that way doesn't it? That thrid pircture, JPs expression is like "oH f**k, what the hell am I doing?" ;)
Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonF:
I thought it was more like "Damnit couldn't you just let us have this moment, Clif?" But other than that I totally agree.

Subject: Re: Hug Comparison
O_o and I just creeped myself out by JUST realizing that it was Clif's hand so neatly around Gen's waist. Oh, boy. That just ain't right.
Somebody replied to an anonymous comment left |
daTheir reply was:
Yeah, I'd be willing to bet my right arm that it was him that asked her to join them or just snagged her as she was walking by.
Subject: Re: Hug Comparison
I'd be willing to bet my right arm that it was him that asked her to join them or just snagged her as she was walking by.
da; Yup. Clif's sausage fingers are all over that picture.
Somebody replied to an anonymous comment left in LJ: |
As long as we're comparing hugs, was this one from Jensen's wedding ever posted?Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Hug Comparison
Gah, sorry, posted too soon:
Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
Yes, very sweet. I love how Jared puts his head down.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
Now that is a typical brother/friend hug -one arm over,one arm under. Very different from the way they hug in the other picture.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
Jensen's face in that picture... IDK, he kind of looks like he's barely holding it together YMMV
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
Same mileage here's a sad smile (and is Jared holding him very tight or it's just my impression?)
Subject: Re: Hug Comparison
FFS we get it. No two males in the history of the world have every hugged the way that the Js do in the other photo unless they are lovers!
Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
Still Jared's wedding.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonTheir reply was:
Quick, someone try to prove that's not Jared. The hair's all wrong! He's not tall enough! There must be something.
Subject: Re: Hug ComparisonEXHIBIT H:
Quick, someone try to prove that's not Jared. The hair's all wrong! He's not tall enough! There must be something.
This guy's arms are not large enough, his back is not wide enough and he's missing 2 moles! Totally not Jared!
Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Hug Comparison
And I'll just piggyback on your post to add that from in all of the 900+ pictures, Jensen's the only groomsman who had his jacket on the whole time.
And, this is obviously from a different episode, but for a Jared/Jensen height comparison when in character clothes: 971775_87a3ccc4a3_b.jpg

So in closing: Fandumb has decided, the verdict is still out.
crazy fandom is crazy yo! lol it really is like a court trial XD
ReplyDeleteThat it is! The discussion is still continuing right now! LMAO! Oh the lulz! ;-P
ReplyDeleteThis is so funny! Thanx!
ReplyDeleteThis discussion is pure madness.
ReplyDeleteI LIKE!!!
and i totally agree with those who say that's Jensen. And that's not a "only friends" hug. Oh c'mon, people are blind.
It does amaze me how circular the argument is. I only included the interesting and amusing arguments. Believe me this could have been a lot longer post. ;-) I agree it is Jensen and that is much more than a brotherly hug.
ReplyDeletethe thing that amazes me is how the hell these two guys can affect people's lives. I didn't even know what a fanfiction was until last summer (and im 20, so...yup im late for this stuff ^^)and i suddenly got why J2 Epic Romance involves people so much. I remember watching SPN and thinkin "wow, it looks like..ahem..they're almost about to kiss...i mean..oh shit they're brothers wtf am i saying??? but gosh look at that...they're calamites" And that's how i bumped into Wincest -_- but then i realized that what i was seeing on the screen must had an explanation somewhere i looked at some J2 videos, inteviews and so on. And i got it. These two have such a strong chemistry, electricity between them, that is overwhelming sometimes. When they're together, when they look at each other, they just..sparkle. And it doesn't happen with anyone else. That's why im so sure there's so much more than friendship between them, and Danneel and Genevieve are just beards.
ReplyDeleteI have a good gaydar, i have straight friends and then i have friends who pretend to be straight while they're actually lovers. So im kinda used to this kind of body language.
But anyway, i never saw something so...overwhelming between 2 people, i know ive already used this word but i cant describe it better than this.
Im sorry i talked so much, it's just a thing i never share coz people dont understand and freak out most of the times (Italy is such a homophobic and bigot country :( sigh). And sorry for language mistakes. And for commenting to begin with, i just followed the link on thehomeplanet and here i am.
Feel free to come here anytime! This is the perfect place to share your feelings. There is only one rule in here, okay make that two rules. No attacking other people who post and no homophobia. I feel the same way about J2. There chemistry is quite amazing to behold. I can't imagine what it would be like to be in the same room with them. Like standing in front of two glowing stars that blind you with their awesomeness. LOL. Okay now I'm just day dreaming. Seriously though. I agree. In my opinion the D&G are beards. What ever happens I just want Jensen and Jared to be happy. I hope this arrangement works out the way they are hoping it will.