You know we were always going to end up here.
No matter what choices you make,
whatever details you alter.
“We” will always end up… here.
I Wincest, so I Wincest.
Seeing as this is our claim to fame, I thought it fitting that this picture was used.

submitted by Watchtower
submitted by Watchtower
submitted by Zipster

A lovely new addition provided by Pinkwood.

That last picture is so funny! :-)
Hmmm...I just came in here for something, but I can't remember what for the life of me...*stares*...........*drools*
ReplyDeleteYes, I think we all will be spending a lot of time here in the future.
Oh, and lest we forget - CANON BABY!
ReplyDeleteI really like this one.
Title: Outside The Lines
ReplyDeleteWord Count: 5000
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Wincest, angst, hurt/comfort
Author's Notes: Big thanks to slf630 for her help with this one! Slight warning: There are parts of this fic that could come off as me hating on Genevieve, but that's not my intention. I'm seeing things from Sam's perspective. I'm sure she's a lovely person and I promise you I have no problem with her. Also, I poke a little bit of fun at my home country of Canada.
Summary: A porny tag for The French Mistake, 6x15. Dean needs some reassurance and Sam's more than happy to give it to him.
OMG! Outside the lines is so good. I definitely choose to believe that's how it happened!
ReplyDeleteThe Song Remains the Same”
ReplyDeleteTitle: “The Song Remains the Same”
Author: lylithj2
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Sam/Dean; Sam/Dean/OMC(s)
Word Count: 22,300
Summary: Completely AU. The Special Children are used to open the Devil’s Gate in the 1980’s. Demons rise and take over the world. One small family is trapped in the aftermath where demons use people for meatsuites and sometimes worse.
ReplyDeleteOh did I end up in here again?? I was just looking for the um...urm...yeah. Don't mind me *whistles*
ReplyDeleteNo matter how hard we try to stay away. We always end up here.
Hard Day's night by winchesterxgirl
ReplyDeleteAuthor's Notes:
Warning: breathplay
A/N: well you know I had a problem with Jared always going toppy on me... well hon Sorry to say but Dean refused to let Jensen and Jared come out to play this time so you got a Sam/Dean fic...hope that's still okay!
ReplyDeleteJackpot! What an embarassment of riches. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteOh HAI WATCHTOWER!! Looooook what happened :o
HAAAAI PINKWOOD!!! first of all, i love you!This story was hotttt and very funny. LOL Me and my best friend grew up reading Batman and I always tortured him saying Batman&Robin were totally gay, then when we watched SPN i tortured him with S/D and Jen/ i can mix&shake the two things and drive him nuts even more!! ahahah thank u!
ReplyDeleteA little present for u in return
ps. i knew a couple of stories by PinkWithoutPlot and totally loved them...but now i have a doubt: is that u? the "Pink-" is confusing *.*
Aww - love you right back, bb!
ReplyDeleteAs for your question...Well, it's certainly possible, but you know a diligent superhero never reveals their alter-ego ;)
Thanks for the story, bb! I have a sudden craving for cake...strange...
Thanks for sharing. Those are both good stories. I'll have pick a few more of my faves to post. I just realized it say I Wincest so I Wincest! LMAO!
ReplyDeleteWhat is going on here? I turn my back for 2 seconds and it's chaos n bedlam! :-P Pinkwood my love you are crossing the streams! GASP! *clutches pearls* You have revealed your alter ego! LMAO! Can't wait until I have a chance to read the stories. :-)
ReplyDeleteI revealed nothing, my sweet. I hang out with lawyers - never confim or deny any allegations, that's what I've been taught! ;)
ReplyDeleteme no belieeeeves you U_U gotcha!
ReplyDeleteBut dont worry, being Watchtower means also protecting the alter-ego of superheros i take care of :P
Your secret's safe with me, senorita.
ReplyDeleteHOLY HELL! The new pics that have been added are amazing!
ReplyDeletethe first montage is *whooooooohhahaa*! Did u do that???
ReplyDeleteThis page is amazing, it'll become a huge Wincest-J2 Pics/Videos/Fics database soon :D
here, another absolutely mindblowing fic it's a pwp series, i strongly recommend it.
i come bearing gifts! i'm going to share my photobucket account with ya'll :DD i've had to make 2 accounts b/c i filled the first up :D so they're all very neatly organized in folders and sub-folders so have at it! :DD the password for both ones should be supernatural so let me know if it doesn't work and have fun drooling over all the yummy porn :DDD
I am currently doing the happy dance! (which is really not much more than twitching in my chair with a huge grin on my face) I wish I could say that I made that montage but, alas no. :-) CC thanks for sharing. Yeah for Wincest! *skips off to check out new stories and pics*
ReplyDeletemake sure you guys let me know what you think about my mass quantities of depravedness :DD
ReplyDeleteI was able to log into the 1st account not the second. I really like the ones with Jensen and Elta. ;-P Also of course the one- anything you can and will say....
ReplyDeleteI added that one to the best gif ever page.
Some of those manips are mind blowing. I can't wait to use them. Over load, I don't know where to start. Between your and Watchtower's stash. I can't even. I am as giddy as Jensen in lederhosen! Or even giddier like Jared watching Jensen work in lederhosen and can't wait to get home.
really? not the second one hmmm i'll have to go see what the problem is b/c you need to see the hottennispro88 one, it stuffed full to capacity ;P my stash is so larger i'm surprised the cops aren't bustin' down my door with their porn smellin' dogs XD
ReplyDeleteapparently it's Supernatural for the hottennispro one while it was supernatural for the other one. i didn't think it was case sensitive *shrug* so try it now bb :D
Wootie Woot Woot! I am in. I do have one paranoid concern though. Does this give anyone access to delete as well? If so, I would like you to change PW asap and email me the new one. You're call. Just ask Pinkwood, she know's how cautious I am. I would hate for anything to go wrong.
ReplyDeletei don't think so, it's only the passwords to view the pics it's not actually my real passwords to the accounts :)
ReplyDeleteCC those pics are amazing! You ROCK! If the porn police cum with their porn sniffing dogs, I will definitely bail you out. ;-P
ReplyDeletei cant see any of them! the first one says "album empty" (wtf -.-) and the second just doesnt open :( this is so unfair, all this porn and i'm missing it! sigh
ReplyDeleteDamn it Watchtower! That makes me so unhappy! frownyface! I will see what I can do about sending you some of the pics.
ReplyDeletecrap, i got to open the second one, and it tells me "empty album" too!!!!!! sigh, CC can i ask u to send me something? im dying here! :(
Watchtower, did you click all albums?
ReplyDeleteDid you click view eviljellybeans profile?
ReplyDeleteI think it's so funny how we take our porn so seriously! Serious business is serious! Must have more porn!
ReplyDeleteyup, and the first profile shows me 4 albums (gif, jensen, sam, other), im trying to open the second one again!
ReplyDeletei think hollowdoll is right, when you click on the links it doesn't take you to my account it takes you to one of my albums and that one's empty, but if you click on my profile then you'll be able to see all my other albums :D hope that helps, if not, i trust you so if you give me an email i'll just email you with my actual passwords for the accounts :)
ReplyDeleteok type the passwords exactly how they are on the screen.
ReplyDeletefor this account: the password is: supernatural
for this account: the password is: Supernatural
then click view profile, then click view all albums, a list should appear on the screen and you can see all of my albums and sub albums :D
I feel like I just received the keys to the kingdom! CC that is quite the collection! I have never seen anything like it! Thanks!
ReplyDeletei know :D *iz very proud* it should all be displayed in a museum somewhere, that would be brilliant *dreamy sigh*
ReplyDeleteThis is as close as you are going to get until Pinkwood and I start the Wincester Porn Museum. ;-P
ReplyDeletewe should all pool our resources and buy a small country somewhere b/c that's how big the museum is gonna have to be ;P or it should be an open air museum b/c buildings can't contain their love, it must be free to roam around :D
ReplyDeletePinkwood and I are already working towards opening Camp IWHYBO. Your great idea would be a lovely addition. It will have to be open air, I agree. We must share with all of nature. :-)
ReplyDeleteSo many pretty gifs!!! My brain believes they all happened.
ReplyDeleteYOU GUISE! I know I'm usually a cheap thrill kind of a gal, but you must all read this story. It's like your homework from me or something. It's so beautiful I can't even tell you. I laughed out loud a LOT and cried a little. It's the literary fiction of the Wincest world:
just wish you would slow the comic and video clips down a little just so we can absorb all the beautiful movements! I want to watch without getting dizzy!
ReplyDeleteWhat an exquisite display of 2 gorgeous men and their gorgeous bodies. They are just sooooo electrifying. I sit here and just stare at them. Than you for these amazing pictures, it just makes me want to watch a whole 3 or 4 hour movie of them making love to each other. The way Dean's has his thrown back and Sam is kissing him is very erotic. Actually all the pictures of Sam and Dean are so very erotic how can anyone not lie it? It is Sexual poetry at it's best! More, more, more!
ReplyDeleteHere we are Watchtower.
thank u so much! i'll try to read it now if i can :D
ReplyDelete*high five*
ReplyDeleteOh. My. GOD!
ReplyDeleteI found Heaven! And its absolutely fantastic! <3
Is there a site like this for Destiel?
I am rather fond of the nerdy angel...(its those eyes I swear!)
Glad you appreciate it as much as we do. ;-) I don't know of a site like this anywhere else sorry. I suppose with all our pics. The Destiel ones could be grouped together on one page. We have much love for Castiel here.
ReplyDeleteA newbie! :-) Welcome! I for one would love a Destiel page! Wincest and Destiel provide worthy eye candy. Yum!
ReplyDeletewelcome! :DD
ReplyDeletealthough it's not my OTP, i too would approve of a destiel page as i've been know to save a few pics in my day ;P