1. | French Mistake | 259 up, 13 down |
When an otherwise straight male is persuaded to, or on a whim in the heat of the moment, engages in a homosexual act of which he later regrets and is ashamed. Alluded to in the musical number of the same name in Mel Brooks' film "Blazing Saddles". Having shared the intamacy of a small tent for so long, in the stress of jungle combat, Pierre and Gustav came close to making the French Mistake on many a steamy night. cornhole sodomy gay homosexual blazing saddles mell brooks movie allusians soldiers by Mo T Juste Sep 21, 2006 share this |

Or maybe there is!

We have just enough time for a quicky.

Screw you?! That can't be right!
I said hey!
You did, twice.
Good for you.


May I never have to see this credit again! Now, I know why Misha keeps crying.

Can't start the show with out Dean getting groped by a dirty old man.
Who writes this stuff? Bob Singer?

Tell me something I don't know.

Ribbit? Poor Sammy is soooo confused.

They put friggin make up on us!

No Misha, we are not!

And this is not helping. (yes it is)

I can't even. Misha why must you torture us?

It's a bird it's a plane.... By day he is Misha by night he fights crime, he's Namaste Man!

Not amused.

I own a helicopter! I missed 12 yo Dean.

Well isn't that interesting.....

Dean, why are you always poking Sam?

That's one sexy Polish Vampire. Rumor is he like kielbasa.

Dude, you have a camel in your backyard.

Pinkwood pointed out to me that GC does a passable impression of the wooden banister she stood next to. By the look on Jensen and Jared faces, it's clear they agree.
Apparently GC and the bannister went to the same school of acting.

Dude, you have a camel in your back yard!

Apparently Jared's ballet lessons are really working. Twirl my pretty princess, twirl.


Wow this is very META!!!

Here a peck, there a peck, everywhere a peck, peck!
Guess which one's Jared?

That awkward moment when you and your

This is made of total WIN!!!

Apparently Dean is feeling a little sick to his stomach and needs to lie down.

What does the term otter mean in gay slang?
Otter is the slang term for a skinny, hairy gay man. Thanks for using ChaCha!
Answered - from www.urbandictionary.com

Jensen you look like the hottest creepy creeper. EVER!

I swear it looks like Jared is about to start rapping old school or make armpit farts.

Here's another perspective.

I love how Dean tries to give Sam acting tips.

Suck my cock?

OH! If there's a key, then there must be a lock.

You'd better not be taking any BTS pics Misha. You know how that makes certain people cranky.

You mean there's no Unicorns or Big Boobed Fairies?

Kripke sold Octacobra?

Go back Misha!

Poor Misha doesn't know what's about to happen.
It was all going so well until it wasn't.

You know what? Screw our careers Bob.

We just don't mean the same thing here.

I mean we're not even

They killed Kripke!

Confetti! It s a Het Parade!
This is definitely a work in progress.
Those gifs are hilarious! I'm still not sure how I feel about this episode. Over all I did enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteThat episode was rediculous. Can't wait to watch it again!
ReplyDeleteIt was funny, but I was hoping they'd go a little more over the top. So many awesome gifs!
ReplyDeletei directly skipped to the comments coz in italy we have to wait for our team that downloads the episode, adds the subtitles and uploads it on the web! and this process usually takes a day (maybe a day and half)...so if im lucky i'll watch it tonight! and then, ill be ready for this gifs overdose yay!! :D
ReplyDeleteps. just tell me GC's moment lasted 20 seconds maximum. Please, im begging u.
It was longer than 20 seconds but not very long. Sucks that you have to wait that long. It's so hard to be patient. :-)
ReplyDeleteSo many precious gifs. I'm still in shock I think. I am going to have some kind of massive fundraiser to buy Jennifer an otter sanctuary so I can send her there and NEVER HAVE TO SEE HER STINKING UP MY SHOW EVER AGAIN. And breathe...
ReplyDeleteJensen looks so pretty in the car - it hurts my eyes. Also Jared kisses like a scurred little boy then licks the lipstick. I WANT IT!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI like that Dean got his ass felt by an old guy about 2 mins in. Lol - Poor Dean. He's a DILF magnet.
Yup, GC is definitely a waste of space. ;-P I hope she only got $29.95 for that performance. And that's being generous as most hookers are better actresses than she is. Yes Jensen in the natural light in the car. tiny band to my eyes after some seriously bad acting. I don't think they can help it. One minute you are doing your job the next minute your hand is on Dean's ass. It has a mind of it's own.
ReplyDeleteTHIS POST IS AMAZING! ;-P All the best parts of the episode in one place! WOW!
ReplyDeleteIt's a bird it's a plane.... By day he is Misha by night he fights crime, he's Namaste Man!
I keep finding more and more fabulous gifs to add!
ReplyDeleteHoly Cow! You really are! This post has grown imensely since I first saw it. It's a thing of beauty!
ReplyDeleteoooookay. i need to breathe. just saw the episode. I dunno exactly how I feel about it. what follows will contain several language mistakes coz im not quite calm and focused on gramatic -_- i apologize for that.
ReplyDeleteso, very first thought obviously is WHAT THE FUCK THEY KILLED MISHA??? AND KRIPKEEE???????????????? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can they do it?? Does it make sense? Is it useful for the episode? Is it at least plausible?!? At Misha’s death I was shocked, but Kripke...what the hell was that, a metaphorical semi-western catharsis of his farewell to the series coz now Miss Sera-complains-at-the-phone-about-being-underrated-Gamble runs the show??? This is blasphemy.
Second thought is: Genevieve is a goat. No seriously, i know goats who act better than her. They do their "beeeeeeeh" with dignity. GC is embarassing. Alpaca in the garden my ass, YOU are an alpaca my dear.
And the total lack of chemistry between Jay and Gen, and her way to talk to Jen (jealousy is a baaaaad thing, my girl)...god I cant even think about it. “They stabbed Misha to death!” What a pity Virgil didn’t stab u too, GoatGirl.
At least I’ m happy Sam tells Dean he prefers his brother to that shining, excessive life with fakeRuby.
Oh and what about the fact Js don’t talk to each other?? Maybe after marrying two chicks to cover their secret relationship, they decided to pretend to be “cold” to convince people...or maybe they just got jealous of each other and started arguing seriously. Lol but Cliff’s look a la “ive seen so many things of this couple that if I hear another discussion about who gets the top this time, I swear I quit my job” is priceless.
Btw, I cant believe Padalecki’s house is like that, Luthor Manor is more modest. Or that Js are really those superficial douchebags the episode suggests they are o_O why they had to show them like that? It’s such a cliché. Anyway. For me best parts are Jen’s YT video of “Days of our life” (Dean, be thankful they didnt show pictures of ur modeling career....brickpants alert!)and Jay’s cowboy giant portrait xD that craked me up.
The title was very good though, because of all the meta- references there are history of literature/cinema, they pick the one where gay men are playing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMK6lzmSk2o Subtle and incisive ;)
Maaaan, i dunno, I really enjoyed the first part of the episode, but didn’t like very much the second. They didn’t push it enough and than it just became unreal. Not “surreal”, as usually SPN is, but seriously, unreal, unplausible for the own standards of the show. But as Singer kept saying, “...season six. Season six.” Even they know there’s something wrong, hell.
I actually enjoyed this post more than half of the episode, im serious. At least now im laughing of that part too =)
Ps. Where the fuck was that dodging-bullets guy from, Matrix?
(im re-reading,and.. so.many.mistakes. Im sorry! im not a goat i swear! im just having a nervous breakdown caused by SPN, oh and im very tired coz it's 3 am here btw! :( sorry)
ReplyDeleteOh, Watchtower. I love you so :D
ReplyDeleteYeah, I just think they could have taken it so much further. I mean they called it THE FRENCH MISTAKE, ffs. I was so ready to love it but I feel like show fell asleep on me half way through sex. And nothing made sense with Fake!Ruby! Dean would have ganked her before she even got one wooden word out. And Sam would happily go to bed with someone who looked identical to the demon who led to him nearly ENDING THE FRIGGING WORLD??? And Dean would let him??? He got pissed enough about Robo!Sam! having banged some strangers.
Awwww Watchtower!! love your comment for the line 'YOU are the alpaca my dear' LOL!!
ReplyDeleteI really liked the ep -probably mostly because i thought it would be ABSOLUTELY FARKIN' AWFUL, and it wasn't - it was funny and surprising (they killed misha!). I'm going to pretend the Gen leading Sam up the stairs bit didn't happen though *sick in my mouth*
I just watched it again and got angry all over again! :D Jensen/Dean's all like 'well done, Sam. She's a hottie' and Sam/Jared's like 'phwoar, yeah right!' NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! We get it. We get it! They are married IRL. It's not like we can fucking miss it. But this is SHOW! It made NO sense.
ReplyDeleteAt least there was a Dean rape joke. I'ma cling to that.
exactly! suuuure, Sam bangs fakeRuby and Dean is cool with it. Oh and the zoom on her ring, did u see that??? RIDICULOUS.
ReplyDeleteThis tv show doesnt make any sense anymore!! So yesterday night i said to myself: "Myself, it's over. ur loyal to 5 years of Kripmaster's work and ur not gonna watch this slaughter ever again".
But im a damn masochist when it comes to tv shows, so resisting temptation will be hard. -_-
You're both right - not only is that bit excruciating to watch, but is totally OOC.
ReplyDeleteI know they grasped the whole 'not the real ruby thing' but still I can't imagine Sam being all 'though you look like that bitch who caused the apoclypse, tricked me and ultimately meant i had to go to Hell, damn, you're SOOO HOT'. Surely the sight of her should at least make him a little uncomfortable (and possibly send Dean into a seething rage), rather than 'YES! a Ruby i can bang. Score!!'.
THE RING! FFS! *facepalm* I'm hoping this ramped up het parade means someone caught the boys indulging in furtive handy Js in an airport bathroom and filmed it on their Flip or something. IDEK.
ReplyDeleteYes, this season is testing me. Maybe the cowboys will make everything better? *hopeful face*
They fucked up the episode because they were too busy using it as a het pr promotion tool. They so should have pushed the envelope a lot more. So many missed opportunities. Dean and Sam would never trust Ruby no matter what alternative universe! She was a big part of what when wrong with their relationship and all the physical/emotional damage they did to each other. They should have at least locked her in the basement or something.
ReplyDeleteLOLing at 'Het Parade' - can we get a 'Confetti! It s a Het Parade' gif now??
ReplyDelete@Hollowdoll -i think locking her in the basement would have been much more appropriate-possibly even before they started filming?? :-)
yes, locked in the basement...and definitely left her there. The only one who could miss her is her plastic surgeon.
ReplyDeleteI'll go with Pinkwood's theory, Js got caught "having fun together" and everybody's trying desperately to cover the incident.
Cowboys episode...it could be hilarious and full of good lines and quotes, but if it's directed as a bad copy of Back to the Future III, i'll seriously get pissed off, im telling u now.
Yes! Lock GC in the basement and only talk through the door. Which happens to have a little slot about 4 feet off the ground and all you can see is her lips moving. I choose to believe that right after they panned away from Dean jumping on the couch, Sam jumped onto the couch with him. Patti, I made a special closer to the post, just for you! awesome idea!
ReplyDeleteThis post and reading your responses almost make the episode worth it. Almost! Man did they screw the pooch!
ReplyDeleteI have to admit, BTTF III did spring to mind when I heard about it! BUT on the plus side 1. COWBOYS 2. No Jennifer 3. COWBOYS
ReplyDeleteIf anything else terrible happens we may have to do the unthinkable and sign a pact agreeing we will never again speak of anything past the moment Sam falls in the hole in Swan Song. On the upside, that would erase La Orangina & Emo Kid as well!
Hahaha! thanks bb! I'm honored!
ReplyDeleteI agree or at least never watch pass season 5 sober. I can't have those beautiful bastards on dvd and not watch them. We can pretend it ended like Rosanne. It was all a dream in Dean's head after Sammy jumped into the pit.
ReplyDeletePatti you honor with your awesomeness. *smish* We have to stick together in these tough times.
I am so glad I posted this before it was done. It's keeps growing and it's been a riot talking about the episode. :-)
ReplyDeleteBetter, for me season 5 ended like Thelma&Louise (as Kripke really wanted, btw): they both jump into the Pit to save the world, and the next scene is...their souls together, in their shared Heaven! God finally brought them there, i mean they sacrificed their lives to save the world, ffs, their job is done, now they can rest forever together.
ReplyDeleteps. Hollowdoll, of course it went like that. Gen took Sam upstairs and he said "look, *hun*, i should...i should finish reading the lines for tomorrow so...why dont u sleep and i come here later? yeah? ok bye" and made out with Dean on the couch aaaaaaaaaaaaall night long.
Can i just say that i love you all?? I love this fandom and i love these kinds of blog and these kinds of people! This post healed me from my raaaage and sorrow caused by the episode :)
Ooookay hippie moment over, à bientot!
Awww. We're totes having a chick flick moment!! :D
ReplyDeleteThey will have to go out together in a blaze of glory and be in shared Heaven with The Most Important Object in the Universe when show ends. The stars were amazing in Heaven. They could sit on the hood and drink beers and count them forever. And make out obvs.
Also, Sammy did say he'd been up all night scanning the internet for relics or something so Fake!Ruby prolly didn't get any Padapeen. Phew.
Wow - you were right, Wifey. I've had nearly a bottle of Merlot and I feel much better about the whole thing now ;)
However they go out Dean and Sam have to take the Impala with them. They can't leave it for someone else to drive! The thought of EmoKid driving the Impala makes me want to hurl! The padapeen has NEVER touched that platypus face! ;-P
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