Either that or we really have be raptured!

Matt Cohen
Twitter announcement
winchesterbros #nashcon Jared taking pic of Jensen to tweet http://yfrog.com/h7p2sslj
lizajaneok Jared just took a pic for his Twitter! It's Jensen with #nashcon in the background! :D
winchesterwoman Jensen is really not crazy about Twitter. #Nashcon
winchesterwoman Jensen and Steve are donating portion of proceeds of their jam session to tornado victims. #Nashcon
ataralasse #Nashcon Jensen: Sorry we had to have this in such a small hotel.
ataralasse #Nashcon Jensen: Let me tell you about my day. Jared: I'll tweet about mine!
ataralasse #Nashcon @dicksp8jr took J2 out for dinner last night & paid!
ataralasse #Nashcon Jensen to fan about Jared: You just want him to get drunk and tweet!
Damn right we do!
SPN_Hunter_67 "I have to visit Jack Daniels." -Jared #NashCon
Cindymealer I love how much shit Jensen's giving @jarpad for being on twitter. Lol. He said he'd tweet from Jensen's pool w/he's working #nashcon
ataralasse #Nashcon Jensen: He's not disgruntled he's Polish. (about a crew guy)
winchesterwoman This is Jensen and Jared's first trip to Nashville. #Nashcon
WinchesterDaily Fan thought Jared played on 7th Heaven #Nashcon
alex_bryant Stewardess on plane mistook Danneel for Shania Twain and she just went along with it phahaha #NashCon
Isn't Shania Twain like 10 years older than her?
DudeUfuglySPN Jensen yelled "Oh come on" to me! Lol #Nashcon
ataralasse #Nashcon Jared pretending to be an angry fan, "NOOOOOO!" & jumping up and down.
SPN_Hunter_67 Jared's twitter pic may end up being Jensen. #NashCon
ataralasse #Nashcon Jared just took a pic of Jensen for his Twitter photo!
What a surpise! ;-P
winchesterwoman Jared is going to Jack Daniels. They are in town til Tuesday or Wednesday. #Nashcon
ataralasse #Nashcon Jensen: Let me tell you about my day. Jared: I'll tweet about mine.
ataralasse #Nashcon @dicksp8jr took J2 out for dinner last night & paid!
kati_bum: Jared and Jensen just walked by us before photo ops. Very close. Shoulder to shoulder. Jared slightly behind. Talking all the way. #nashcon
chchristenson: Jensen's authentic western outfit in Frontierland was hand made #Nashcon
chchristenson: Jensen is looking forward to second chance at directing but feels strength is acting #Nashcon
chchristenson: The "snake guy" in "Yellow Fever" was a fan of the show and asked only to have the scene sent so as not to spoil the episode #Nashcon
J2SPNGIRL Saw J2 sneaking behind the curtain! #nashcon
ataralasse Jared: "We are everything we are because you love us." #Nashcon
sinnerforhire Jensen wants to know when it became appropriate to play Celine Dion at #nashcon.
winchesterbros Boys are excited to be here in the south. #nashcon
darkmerrick jared is a twitter noob. "retweet, what does that mean? i saw the button." jensen is snoring. #nashcon
adinarj Jar doesn't ask Misha anything; he tells him #NashCon
Jared you are such a toppy top!
damnthatwolf Jared: Did I send the testicle picture?! #nashcon
damnthatwolf Jared: Now we're trending! #nashcon
heather03nmg Jared and Jensen talking about mishas testicles tweet. #nashcon
damnthatwolf Jared is ~appalled~ by this girl's shirt of Jensen. #nashcon
ataralasse #Nashcon Fan: my question is for Jared. Jared: And you're wearing a Jensen shirt?!
ChrissyLoree LOL omg! Jared just told some girl to come get a kiss for wearing a Sam shirt. He was j/k though. #nashcon
heather03nmg *Jared looking at his phone* did I send a tweet of my testicles? #nashcon
darkmerrick jared's hair is fierce. "my hair is poofier" jensen; its perfect dont touch it." #nashcon
damnthatwolf Jared is pimping out the south's virtues and its fault- the humidity. It makes his hair poofier. #nashcon
winchesterbros #nashcon Jared misses the sincerity of the South, but not the humidity. Jensen misses his family
damnthatwolf Jensen misses his family the most when he's in Canada. Aww. #nashcon
darkmerrick will it feel different on a new show? ja- no because you'll all come with us. #nashcon
damnthatwolf Q: Will it feel different when you move on from SPN to a quiet fanbase? Jensen: No. You're all coming with! #nashcon
DudeUfuglySPN Jared starting twitting for the fans and Jensen just called him a twit #Nashcon
ataralasse #Nashcon Jensen at Jared: He is a twit!
winchesterbros #nashcon Jensen says the action is a tweet, but Jared is a twit
adinarj Tweer=to post on twitter. Jenswn: *Points to Jared* "Twit." #NashCon -
damnthatwolf Jensen is overwhelmed by twitter lingo. #nashcon
ataralasse #Nashcon Jensen: Pack your bags. They're bringing the #spn fandom with them.
damnthatwolf The boys can't hear, haha! #nashcon
SPN_Hunter_67 Everyone keeps yelling testicles cuz of misha's tweet to Jared. #NashCon
WinFamBusiness Jared plays country music trivia. "What female artist has more grammys than anyone else". #Nashcon
DudeUfuglySPN Aww fans giving Jared and Jensen a scrapbook for cast and crew #Nashcon
ChrissyLoree Jensen just shushed a girl and said it wasn't her turn lol. #nashcon '
ataralasse #Nashcon Fan: I love you Jared! Jensen: Shh! It's not your turn! Jared: Let her speak Jensen!
damnthatwolf Jensen: The fans come through to get us noticed by the mainstream media. #nashcon -
ataralasse #Nashcon Jared: I started tweeting instead. That's how I pass gas.
AnAngelOfLight jared "thats how i release gag. tweet! twittering!" #nashcon
ChrissyLoree Jensen said he's goin to hold out on getting a twitter for as long as possible. #nashcon
ataralasse #Nashcon Jensen: Jared's diet had a lot to do with farting. Too much protein
damnthatwolf Someone asked why is Jared less gassy in blooper reels. Jensen: diet! #nashcon
SPN_Hunter_67 A woman congratulated j2 on their one year anniversary. #NashCon -
sinnerforhire Jared wants to be Clif for a day. #nashcon
alex_bryant Jensen does most of his own stunts! If he could switch jobs on set for a day. It would be stunt coordinator. #NashCon
damnthatwolf Q: who would you switch jobs with on set? Jared: I'd want to be Clif! #nashcon
damnthatwolf Jensen: Props! For the guns! #nashcon
@arch4ngel Jared wants to be Clif for a day. Jensen: "Cause he just sits in the car all day." #nashcon
damnthatwolf Jensen: I can take a gun apart and put it back together blindfolded! #nashcon
I bet that's not the only thing he can do blindfolded.
sinnerforhire Jensen can dismantle a gun like a boss. #nashcon
Nikkimay Jensen can take his gun apart and put it back together with his eyes closed. #nashcon
damnthatwolf Boys want big booms with guns. Often can't get it because of noise ordinance. #nashcon
GatoGoddess A little boy just asked if Sam is still afraid of clowns. Jared says "maybe not" #Nashcon
BethMode05 Little kid: is sam still afraid of clowns? Jared: no.. Yeah.. #NashCon
damnthatwolf Little boy: is Sam still afraid of clowns? Jared: why? You got one? -hides- #nashcon
nottheribbons Little boy just asked if Sam is still afraid of clowns. Jared jumped off the stage to hear him. PRECIOUS. #nashcon
DudeUfuglySPN Jared is wearing cowboy boots #Nashcon
xJessieNx Woman asked about Danneel, jokingly asked if he was ashamed of his personal life. Jokingly answered yes. #nashcon
SPN_Hunter_67 Jensen jokes that his trailer in French Mistake will become his trailer for s7. #NashCon
adinarj The hockey comment from French Mistake was adlibbed. #NashCon
DudeUfuglySPN Talking about The French Mistake and how Jensen's agent wants him to have an aquarium in his trailer #Nashcon
sinnerforhire Jensen thinks Canadians talk about hockey too much. #nashcon
ataralasse #Nashcon "If I hear one more story about hockey I'm gonna puke" Was an ad-lobbed line from real life.
xJessieNx Audience tried to tell guys how to say Tweet, Jared said it sounded like Southerners doing bad impression of chicken. #nashcon
adinarj Costumes are based on weather *and* plot. #NashCon
DudeUfuglySPN Wardrobe and how it plays into a storyline #Nashcon
damnthatwolf They were certain clothes to help deal with cold weather and to hide stunt pads. #nashcon
xJessieNx "We're from the South, boys. Bring it." #nashcon
Arch4ngel "That's that 7th heaven guy and the short guy! Let's get 'em!" #nashcon
@SPN_Hunter_67 Woman asks j2 to elaborate on the time they got jumped. "well we're still here." -Jared #NashCon -
LinsWinchester Jared and Jensen are elaborating on the time they got jumped by 8 guys. #NashCon
ataralasse #Nashcon On if they act like brothers in real life. Jared: Well, he tried to steal my fries once
Lovers_SPN #nashcon boys asked if they are protective. Jared joking said one time Jensen tried to eat his fries and he was protective of those.
damnthatwolf Js: We absolutely look out for eachother in real life. Like Sam and Dean. #nashcon -
alex_bryant Jensen and Jared talked about standing up for each other in reality and how protective they really are over each other #NashCon
darkmerrick "theres a definite sense of 'i got your back' and has been since day one." jensen on protective feelings toward one another. #nashcon
heather03nmg Protective of each other. Jensen of Jared "I've got your back as I've had since season 1" #nashcon
heather03nmg They watch out for each other. They fly home together. They keep an eye on one another when they're out. #nashcon
sinnerforhire They know anything by Ben Edlund is sheer cracky goodness. #nashcon
Arch4ngel "Basically anything by Ben Edlund is 'What? Fairies? The teddy bear blows his brains out?!'" - Jensen #nashcon
damnthatwolf Q: What scripts made you ah? Jared: pilot! 2, 3, 4, 5, 6! All of them! Jensen: wth kind of show is this has been gotten over. #nashcon -
SPN_Hunter_67 "we've gotten over the 'what the hell kind of show is this' a long time ago." -jensen #NashCon
BethMode05 Jared keeps running his fingers thru his hair... I keep waiting for him to go into model mode! #NashCon
xJessieNx Jared talking about Houses of the Holy, worried about it making religious statement. First time they called a conference. #nashcon
damnthatwolf Jared: The episode with the angels in season 3 (houses of the holy) made them weary of a religious message. #nashcon
SPN_Hunter_67 First time they had a conference call was after they talked about angels in Houses of the Holy. #NashCon
damnthatwolf Girl: my q is for jensen! Jared: oh, come on! #nashcon
ataralasse #Nashcon Jared: Is it what he thought of my performance? Jensen starts sleeping again.
adinarj Jensen thought Balki ref in The Man Who Would Be King was funny. #NashCon
damnthatwolf Q: what is your opinion on Castiel's new position? Js: no opinion yet. Waiting for season seven eps! #nashcon
ataralasse #Nashcon Opinion about Cas. Jared: I don't think I formed an opinion yet.
sinnerforhire They actually were concerned when reading "Houses of the Holy" that the show was going in a religious direction. #nashcon
GatoGoddess "Some references i have to look up. Then i look at the cover and it says 'ben edlund'" jensen #nashcon
sinnerforhire If Jensen can't identify a pop culture reference, It's a Ben Edlund script.#nashcon
WinFamBusiness Jensen is having a lot of fun harping on Ben Edlund's crazy scripts. #Nashcon.
darkmerrick j2 opinion on the finale: "i dont have an opinion on that yet. time will tell." meee tooo dudes. #nashcon
xJessieNx Both of them just yelled "FIGHT THE FAIRIES!" #nashcon
MeSillyWoohoo Jensen just tried to Catch a bug flying by them on stage #nashcon
DudeUfuglySPN There trying to catch a fly lol but made a joke saying it was a spirit #Nashcon
damnthatwolf Jared: enjoyed groping Jensen. Made Sebastian and Misha laugh! #nashcon
sinnerforhire Jensen is immune to Jared fucking with him at this point. #nashcon
xJessieNx Jared says he tried to make Jensen laugh during the finale scenes where he was out, Jensen was immune but Mish & Seb laughed. #nashcon
SPN_Hunter_67 Jared constantly pinching Jensen in panic room scenes from finale. Jen wasn't affected but everyone else was laughing. #NashCon
adinarj Jared grabbing Jensen off camera- Jensen kept straight face: Seb & Misha didn't. "Don't pay attention to the idiot." #NashCon
ataralasse #Nashcon On finale. Jared: I enjoyed being passed out./ Jared would roll out of bed and pinch Jensen's leg.
damnthatwolf Jensen: camera shook because operator laughed! SRoche did a double take. Not MY favorite part! #nashcon -
AnAngelOfLight jensens fav part of season six was when sam got his soul back #nashcon -
xJessieNx Jensen says his favorite s6 scene is Sam getting his soul back. #nashcon -
damnthatwolf Jensen: Dean got to be Dean, not 'wagh! My brother!' #nashcon -
darkmerrick not being dean "oh my brother /whine" and then sam finally gets his damn soul back. #nashcon i like it when he says damn.
xJessieNx Jared says Jen reminds him of his sister. Jensen turned it around giving his benchpress limit. #nashcon
damnthatwolf Q: what relationship inspired your portrayal of Sam and Dean's? Js: our older brothers, sisters, and our good friends. #nashcon
SPN_Hunter_67 Why J2 are good at playing brothers: Jen reminds Jared of his sister, haha. #NashCon
ataralasse #Nashcon On real life relationships they drew off to play brothers. Jared: He reminds me of my sister actually.
damnthatwolf Jensen: if we met outside of the show, we would have been friends anyway! #nashcon
sinnerforhire If they'd met outside the context of the show, they probably would have still become friends. #nashcon


So many funny tweets! Can't wait for more video. MATT o_O
ReplyDeleteoh matt you hot bastard, stop teasing us, it's cruel and unusual lol damn those arms! unf! matt you better have a license for those guns lol
ReplyDeleteoh jeez, drunk jared tweeting, can you guys
imagine XD and of course jareds' profile pic would be jensen, of course it would XD oh boys just keep feeding the fangirls, we love it XD
ok so i know jensen gave jared a list of things that he was not allowed to tweet about so i think we should make up that list now, i'll start
jared cannot tweet that jensen is in the shower
ok now you go!!
Jared can not tweet that Jensen is wearing his assless chaps, again. ;-P
ReplyDeleteJared can't tweet that Jensen is buying more lipgloss.
ReplyDeleteJensen just told Jared not to tweet a picture of his package. Of course, fans disagree :) #nashcon
ReplyDelete- so...this means Jared keeps pics of Jen's package on his cell? goooooooooooood to know.
and did u read what Misha wrote to Jared? it's CAOS, CAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!
...and we can just hope he doesnt decide to join Live Journal too...now /that/ would be the Apocalypse LMAO
oh they are so amazing together. J2 are having so much fun!
ReplyDeleteOh the hilarity that will ensue! Live Journal, hah, I don't think Jared's that bold or crazy! But you never know I never thought he'd get twitter.
ReplyDeleteSee what happens when I go away?? The world goes batshit crazy!
ReplyDeleteOh, those boys. They seem to have an endless supply of adorability. And I am stoked that Jared's on Twitter, although my stalking habit will be through the frigging roof! The fact that his profile picture is Jen is so cute I might cry! I'm sure he'll get with the programme soon and change it but squeeee. Imagine the epic nature of the Jared/Misha tweet wars as well. I'm excited you guise!
That short vid of Jared, I can't even! It does add a whole new level to our stalking!
ReplyDeleteThat's what I was thinking Pinkwood, Jared knew you were missing him and decided that he would get on twitter to rectify the situation. ;-P
ReplyDeleteSee! He even dances real good like me. It's destiny. I do miss him. A year is an awfully long time to wait for another fleeting squeeze. I'm glad he's finally succumbing to the inevitable and cyber stalking me :D
ReplyDeleteNow, if only Seb can convince him spamming topless pics of himself is the way forward, I need never leave the house again ;)
The watch out for each other, they fly home with each other, they keep an eye on each other when their out...squee
ReplyDeleteSo cuuuuute. They talk about 'watching out' for each other a lot. It must be moar dangerous at places they frequent as I don't have anyone watching me and I'm generally OK :D
ReplyDeleteWell they mean they watches each other's asses but we knew that already right? ;-P
ReplyDeleteI can think of no better asses to watch! Oh boys you ain't foolin no one. I love you for trying, too funny.
ReplyDelete"jarpad Jared Padalecki
ReplyDeleteAny texans out there know if cicadas are EVERY year, I feel like they are, but in nashville they say every 13 years. Anybody know for sure?"
LOLOLOLOLOL! THIS is why Jared having a Twitter account is an awesome idea. LOLOLOL *Crying* Fuck me. Seriously. I want to hug him so much it makes my heart ache :D
LMAO! So true Pinkwood! It's nice to know he communication style is not much differenct whether verbal or tweeting. YEAH!
ReplyDelete@jarpad you are funny and exciting darling ;)
5 hours ago
Oh Seb you are so fricken naughty!
Between Misha and Sebastian tweeting with Jared anything is possible. XD hee hee hee
ReplyDeleteFan: What did you think of the season finale?
ReplyDeleteJensen: I thought Jared did a really good job.
Of course Jensen always thinks of Jared first. ;-)
Yes that has always been made obvious by the way they say things. They come first in each other's lives. I also love that Gen dresses Jared now. His style of dress has not changed over the years.
ReplyDeleteOH GOD! I want to snuggle their faces.
ReplyDeleteHe DID do a really good job.
I am going to have to turn my Misha and Jared alerts off and go to bed :D
My SPN essay is 28 pages and one more section to go I think...I really want to finish it this week.
Yeah, Gen must have coincidentally decided the ideal look for her man is plaid shirts, jeans and beanie hats. Presumably she also thinks dressing Jared in Jensen's clothes is appropriate lol ;)
ReplyDeleteMore awesome video. THANKS! :-) Can't get enough! UNF!
ReplyDeleteI love that they torture Misha and can't still make him crack up so easily. Never change Misha.
ReplyDeleteTony The Truckstop Tiger!! I can't even!! http://yfrog.com/user/jarpad/photos
ReplyDeletePinky (I still can't log in from my work comp...hmm)