Thursday, February 3, 2011

Obnoxious Fun with Supernatural S1 episode titles 1 - 11 J2 style, literally!

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1. "Pilot" (First aired Sep 13, 2005).

Now that’s what I call a pilot! I'm sure you all have hangers for him to land in.

2. "Wendigo" (Sep 20, 2005).

I didn’t know Jensen had his own action figure! Or maybe Madame Alexander is Jared's eyebrow waxer!

Madame Alexander Wendy Goes to the Circus Doll

3. "Dead in the Water" (Sep 27, 2005).
Seeing as the CW can’t make up their fricken minds and totally screwed the fans after a LONG hellatus! Dead in the water is what I was wishing  on TPTB!! Which is what gave birth to this rediculous place, cheaper than therapy. It beats basket weaving and macrame. Next time they will think twice, before messing with fandumb.. LMAO!

4. "Phantom Traveler" (Oct 4, 2005).
Jensen and Jared are definitely Phantom Travelers, it’s next to impossible to get pics of them arriving or departing the airport. I’m starting to think there is back way or they wear disguises. I’m sure that Jensen has a closet full!

 I think Jensen may be dressing up as a pilot and gets a lot of use out of this costume.
Apparently he's a fan of Leo DiCaprio in "Catch Me If You Can." I believe this is one of Jared's favorites. I fear we are constantly underestimating the sneakiness.

Of course, I am sure there are a few costumes Jensen keeps for special occasions.
I have no idea what this costume is, I think it’s for the bedroom. Rumor is Jared likes it and raspberry jam! A little light bondage anyone?

 I had to use this one, well, just because I know this manip exists. Can you blame me?

                                          title or description
5. "Bloody Mary" (Oct 11, 2005).

At this point in the post feel free to refill your beverage or go to the restroom as we have just begun.

6. "Skin" (Oct 18, 2005).
Some classic pics that never get old. What can I say, I like pictures where they look ridiculous.
Ridiculously hot I mean! UNF!

It’s pretty much a no brainer. If Mr. Ackles wants to share with the class, who are we to deny him his right to show off his purple nurples?

There is nothing Jared could ever do to erase this image from our minds. It's always there hovering in our subconscious.

I think we all know that is Jensen’s “O” face.

Jared looks like an overgrown German Sheperd waiting for a treat from his master.We all know who is master is and we all know you’d love to get him a “treat".

Freckles McBowleggity is something to behold. I really don’t understand how his legs support him. Oh well, we all know how they got that way. I’m sure it was worth it. 
Jared you look like Godzilla right before he attacks Tokyo.Or what some might call foreplay for future roll play, eh Jensen?
7. "Hookman" (Oct 25, 2005).
Too easy, easy on the eyes that is!

8. "Bugs" (Nov 8, 2005).

I’m really having hard time figuring out who’s bugging who in this picture. Almost looks like Misha is sitting on Jared’s lap. Maybe, just maybe they are all bugging each other. Oh my!
9. "Home" (Nov 15, 2005).
Now would be a good time to have a break to take care of anything you need to do around the house. 

10. "Asylum" (Nov 22, 2005).
I may be playing fast and loose with the rules, but this isn't technically cheating. I'm sure than J2 listen to Soul Asylum.

11. "Scarecrow" (Jan 10, 2006).
J2 have said they are fans of Al Pacino and who doesn't like Gene Hackman?

Coming Soon S1 episodes 12 - 22
Hopefully by then I will be better at formatting.
Don't hold your breath.

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