I don't know why but I just love this pic. It's highly amusing!

Seems like Sammy spends a lot of time with his mouth open this episode.

You might not like what you find.

And then the world gets turned upside down and we get REALLY turned on.

We meet the 2nd of the 3 mooses with hot cabooses!

You get nothing, you lose. Good day sir!

Alright, this is where we’re gonna be, Sam. So get your lazy ass outta bed and come meet us…
Sammy, please.

You will always have little ol me.

I'll always have you.

Never underestimate the King of Hell, darling.

Sneezing in hell, it must be dusty.

Bish is FIERCE!

That went well.

Ever fucked a God?

Raphael had many followers, I must punish them all severely.

Can't we all just get along?


If Cas was bigger than the Chrystler building, how big is he now?

Awesome recap as always bb. So much sexual frustration. UNF! Cas just needs to get laid.
ReplyDeletehey CC here, blogger is being a fucking cocksucker and won't let me log in so i'm using my LJ account :\
ReplyDeletewoot! epic TSM!!!
when did cas turn into edward? bahahahahahahaha!! XDDD
Finally! I can never wait patiently for your redic recap posts. Outta the park once again. oh the epic eye fucking.
ReplyDeleteFUCKING CRAZY! laughed so hard, I was almost crying. Thanks! It was definitely a tought episode, but so good!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe Misha isn't going to be a regular anymore. so sad. Love the gifs! you are certifiably histerical!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you all find it as amusing as I do. So tired. But it was worth it. next season will even more through the looking glass I think.
ReplyDeleteThe finale was not quite what I expected.
Also, what kind of search terms are these?
camel toe in the breakfast club
silicone penis injection thumbs
Those search terms! Bwaaahhahahaha! Oh the pretty pretty gifs. Its gonna be a long hot summer.
ReplyDeleteYou lose good day sir! Love it!
ReplyDeleteLMAO! Your right CC he is giving off a Edward vibe. Those search terms :-P so much TSM so little time. Love the post!
ReplyDeleteThe 6x21 was nice in some things but a bit pointless, and some scenes made me crinkle my nose (some of Dean's rections, the Breaden's loss of memory...). 6x22 was great imo but some things left me shocked at first and a bit disappointed on a second thought: first of all, Sam could have easily understood Cas' position. Messing things up while you try to do good, he's used to that. And knowing Sam's character, he WOULD have really tried at least. I'm disappointed the writers didn't pay any attention to Cas-Sam relationship. I hope this will happen in S7, Cas will need redemption and Sam could help him. Im not so worried about Misha not being a regular anymore...in S4 he wansn't and we surely saw him more than S6 -_- im sure we'll see him again, fans just love him too much, the writers would never make him disappear completely.
ReplyDeleteIm still too sad for Balthazar's death :(
Damn it must take a long time to make all those gifs. Your brain must be mush. Thanks! You are so funny! XD yeah the epi's were good but they could have been better.