Party's over you ain't got to go home, but you can't stay here.
Finish your coffee and get the fuck out!

Got it? Splendid, kisses.

I was drinking a 75 Dom out of a sopranos navel, that was important.

looks like columbo talks like rainman

I'm in a long term online relationship.

It's not like an invisible guy could just pop in and steal them.

We're making a few inquiries.

If I kill enough of these demons one eventually will tell me where Crowley is.

I'll yell if I need you.

Castiel if you have any heart.

Please, I am begging you.

You should have talked to me first.

You want to stop me? Go find Pergatory!

It does when Balthazar says it.

I think Cas agrees.

Do you believe in monsters?
The spell worked, a door opened and something came through.

Sorry about your mom.
You're the first person who ever said that.

Now that we've bonded, you want to see a picture of my mom?

Start talking or I'm gonna rip your skin off strip by strip.

I thought you said that we were like family.
Well, I think that too.
Shouldn't trust run both ways.
I do everything when you ask, I always come when you call.
And I am your friend.
Still, eespite your lack of faith and now your threats.
I just saved you yet again.
Has anyone but your closest kin ever done more for you.
All I ask is this one thing.

Stand behind me.
The one time I ask.

No thanks.

You can go back to Crowley and you can tell him that I said you can both kiss my ass.
I know what you are Allie, your not exactly from Milwaukee.
Tell me where Pergatory is.
If I found you, he ain't far behind.
Bobbie, your just a man. I'm better of protecting myself.

He's awfully secure for a man who wants to swallow a million nucleur reactors.

Seems that marriage is going swimmingly.

now that's not very nice

I don't know about you, but I could use a hug.

AAARRGGGHHHH! I'm only half done!

A confused Sammy is a sexy Sammy.

I can't even call her stupid for letting some strange guy who's running from the cops hang out for a while.
I mean look at that face. You'd do the same and more.

male model type.... OIC
constantly messing with us!

It gets so film noir! unf unf so pretty!

Poor Bobby loses another friend!

Apparently Dean turned into a Beaver or something!

Cas you better make sure Sammy's fine all right.
Other wise things will get pretty ugly! Real fast!

Yes that about sums it up! Crazy! half done? poor thing. I appreciate your hard work. you rock!
ReplyDeleteStellar gifs as always! Each one funnier than the last! XD
ReplyDeleteUntil further notice! Fucking fabulous! So much jealousy. So little time! The sexual frustration must be painful! ;-)
ReplyDeletewell, now I don't have to watch it when it finally makes its way to my telly here in Aussie land!!
ReplyDeletethanks I laughed, cried and wished to hell they'd get sammy a new wardrobe and let jared do his own fucking hair!
bwahahahahahaha balthy's in for a pound XD anything crowley or balthy says turns dirty XD
ReplyDeletewoobie!cas was so sad, but then god!cas was so unffy with his unhingedness :P
hehe balthy's on their team XD yay for team wincest! :P
and woobie!dean *sniffs* i just wanna hold him forever :'(
we didn't see balthys' angel wing shadow on the ground so i refuse to believe he's dead *crosses arms and pouts*
3 mooses oh my *fans self* why don't you guys have a threesome for me ;P also i swear i was lmao when sam was on the cot and was thrusting into the air XDD then there's also a screencap where robo!sam has the most bowlegs in the entire world omg! but i'm too lazy to go find it ;P also i loved the fact that sams' soul looked all innocent, confused and so wide eyed like a new born moose while robo!sam was just so emotionless and snarky, huge kudos to jared for pulling that off so well :D
i woul definitely profuse my love while under cas, sign me up ;P apparently cas didn't like being anyones bottom bitch so now he had to go swallow a million souls so he could act like a toppy bitch OIC XD
so what did we learn from this? everyone needs more hugs, hugs solve everything, if sam had just hugged cas when cas wanted one then he wouldn't have had to go harden his heart and swallow all those souls lmao XDD
I agree Balthy can't be dead! I almost started hyperventilating on the uneven bars when I realized 3 mooses with 3 sexy cabooses! UNF! Jared was awesome! I was quite impressed. *smishes* to all, it's gonna be a long hellatus!
ReplyDeleteBoth episodes were awesome! I agree Balthazer must return. Cas was quite creepy at the end. hilarious gifs. oh the angst! "sniffle"
ReplyDeleteFuck Yeah! Too funny! can't wait for the rest.
ReplyDeleteThis was an amazing episode! Lisa&Ben are finally gone forever (poor Sam, every time Dean talked about them he was like "wtf -_- but ok, i love you, so imma be patient. sgrunt"), 3 Sams were unf and Jared did a great great job, Balthy made the right choice (and im sad as much as i was when Gabester died...cant believe they're gone sigh), and Cas can punish me whenever he wants to!
ReplyDeleteI was shoked by the finale, i expected anything but that! It's like if Dobbie came to the Dark Side O_O
But i seriously risked to cry when Jared said his favourite line ever (at Jib he said to wait for it)..."You know me, you know why. I'm not leaving my brother alone out there." :')
Cant wait for S7! ps. what the hell are we gonna do meanwhile?!
we've got each other and porn, we'll think of something ;P
ReplyDeleteoh the gifs, the gifs! Keep em cumming! So hott!
ReplyDeleteNo More ben and lisa. *happy dance* love Cindy though. Porn os always the answer. No doubt.
ReplyDeleteThey should do another tv show after SPN called The Fuckables!
ReplyDeleteAll the new Cas!God fanfic. Will be epic. So juicy.
ReplyDeleteI weirdly CRIED LIKE A BABY in the Dean/Lisa hospital scene! And when Sam remembered how he knew Robyn. I've been HET POISONED! Lol! But Sammy's line (and knowing it's Jarrud's fave) was just ultimately heartbreaking. I think I am still in shock. Anyone else wish it was September already? ;)
ReplyDeleteoh God, what happened you have to tell me!!!! NO DON'T! I can wait really I can :) will give sexual favours to the guy who is downloading for me (I think that was 2 illegal acts right there, although both would be free), if he gets them to me this week!
ReplyDeletelove the gifs and the whole site really, you guys are fabulous and I look forward to more smut!