We find Sam and Dean doing a little research....
Apparently after their lover's quarrel,
Dean makes it up to Sam by letting him use the computer.
Dean makes it up to Sam by letting him use the computer.
Hey Pinnochio, this is really boring.
Dean is mad because he can't find a spec of dirt on their one lead.

Sam's thinks to himself, we'll see if you get any tonight!

Sam and Dean start to get a clue....

Dean who always takes his work very seriously, bets Sam $50
that it's a vengeful spirit.

Yeah right Dean, the last time we made a bet, you never paid when you lost.

Bitch, you gettin pissy with me? You want a fresh one?
I paid you all right. You're just mad I'm only betting money this time.

I didn't think so. *brrriiinnggggg*

Oh I'm the Bitch, huh? And just so you know. If you hit me
I'm gonna hit you back harder.

Correct me if I'm wrong but that's your used cum receptacle calling
again. Are you going to have the nuts to answer the phone this time?



Okay!, okay! I love it when you're a toppy bitch!

Right around here the recap gets a little fuzzy for me.
Time for intermission. Eat, drink. Smoke em if ya got em.

Sam and Dean are still arguing about who the toppiest bitch
whoever topped is.

Dean's playing hard to get.
But Sammy knows who will be topping tonight.

Sam and Dean have one of those special "brother" conversations.
You know where they say everything they have to say with their eyes,
nose and mouth. Not a word needs to be spoken, but they speak anyways.

Dean knows Sam is right, he has to quit with the pity fucks.
They take away from his time with Sammy.

Sam is proud of his brother and can't wait for him to get back tonight.

Sam really hopes that Dean doesn't have to have one last pity fuck
before he dumps Allyssa. At least he thinks that's what her name is.

They saved the Universe but lost everything. They lost each other.
Sam doesn't know who had it worse. Him in the cage with Michael
and Lucifer or Dean in the cage with Orangina and Emo Teen.
Doesn't really matter though, now that they are together again.
Sam and Dean know that it was worth it. They would do it all
again as long as they would return to each other.

To keep busy until Dean returned, Sammy worked a lead.

Light bulb!

Sammy didn't go to Stanford for nothing.

Of course Sam calls Dean right away.

Hey Dean?

I love you.

I love you too.



I miss your musk.

I hope you are going to sleep now! I will wait not so patiently for the next part. It's just so funny.
ReplyDeleteoh bb, you do snark so very well *loves on you*
ReplyDeleteI think Dean had the worst time in that year. If you're dead, you're dead -period. Ok still dealing with Lucifer, but..i dunno it's not the same thing. Being alive without Sam and taking care of someone else who doesn't mean /that/ much for you (and is a blatant surrogate of who u really love), when all u wanna do is crawl under the covers and cry Sammy's name and pray for the end to come....well that's Hell.
ReplyDeleteps. I'm sooo sure that 9 times outta 10 Sam is the top and Dean the bottom in their relationship ;D
I love how Sam says he hit Dean back LMAO!
ReplyDeleteThe time consuming part is adding the gifs to my epic tale of romance. I keep trying ease up on the gifs to make it go faster. As you can see, that isn't going so well. It's not my fault there are so many pics of those beautiful bastards. For the 1st time I am very thankful Misha isn't in an episode! It would take even longer to finish!
ReplyDelete@CC I love you too! Cuz you find me funny! :-P I am glad you like it. Snark is definitely the language I am most comfortable with. Double Smish!
ReplyDelete@Watchtower I totally agree. Lucky for us Dean is made of the tough stuff. I know I couldn't do it. I realize Sam knew Dean needed someone to look after and to not be alone. However, I there are deeper reasons as to why he chose those two. Sammy's got a lot of unresolved issues. ;-)
You had better not skimp on those gifs! You started this. Now we expect a certain level of quality! :-)
ReplyDeleteOh I forgot to say, I agree Sammy is definitely the top in the in the bedroom. Not that Dean would admit that during the light of day. Level of quality? I think you overestimate my talents. :-)
ReplyDeleteWow and the gifs keep coming. Catching up on this highlarious series of posts Can't wait for more.