Sunday, February 13, 2011

Jensen and Jason's Jam Session aka The Second Cumming

hituiwen RT @AmyinSydney: I have no words to explain what I just experienced at the Jensen and Jason Jam Session, I just feel so blessed to have been there. #LACon -8:48 PM Feb 13th, 201
second coming Pictures, Images and Photos

Jensen: “We might have to play this show naked!”
Fans: “Yes please!”

The crowd did wonder how he psyches himself up to do these things – a stage play, directing, etc.
Jensen: “I do tend to throw myself out there – you know, let’s go streaking or whatever!”
Fans: “Can we take pictures?”
Okay, back to the music.

Jensen grew up watching his dad pick up his guitar and riff, and remembers always being so taken by it. When he moved out to LA at eighteen, his dad handed him his guitar, which Jensen still has.

Before he started, Jensen said very softly that he felt very blessed in his life – and Jason added that when he first heard Jensen sing this song, he sure didn’t have anything close to a million.

After, he confided that some of the lyrics seemed to perfectly evoke his loneliness sometimes, alone in his trailer in the Vancouver rain, as he sang “the rain’s about to drive us all insane.” One of the things that makes music so moving and so personal is that it does pull for those feelings, whether you’re listening or playing, and the moment of shared vulnerability made the performance quietly powerful.

Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
She better find some words!
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
OMG! Is Jensen a GOD or something? I truly believe Justin Bieber is more talented than Jensen and Jason Manns...

watching the Grammy's right now and usher and him are performing

I'd be crying too, if I spent that much money for that...LOL!
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
OMG! Is Jensen a GOD or something?

Ask me after I rewatch AHBL II or On the Head of a Pin. You probably won't like the answer. ;)
hituiwen RT @AmyinSydney: I have no words to explain what I just experienced at the Jensen and Jason Jam Session, I just feel so blessed to have been there. #LACon -8:48 PM Feb 13th, 2011

Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
Well for $1500 I would be disappointed for them if they weren't given a spiritual performance. Heavenly singing from on high, turning water into wine, etc., etc.
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
LOL, A+. These fans are killing me with the hyperbole. A blessed event? Crying? No, really - CRYING?!
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
A blessed event? Crying? No, really - CRYING?!

Sounds like Church.
@Deanie_24 He was really nervous. I can't fathom the beauty of him, he radiates such a wonderful loving energy. Today was a blessing.
less than a minute ago via web in reply to Deanie_24 981037703630850

Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
he radiates such a wonderful loving energy.


@AmandaF73 @Deanie_24 It was very respectful, half of us were very quietly and discretely crying I think, seriously I can't explain it.
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
It was very respectful, half of us were very quietly and discretely crying I think, seriously I can't explain it.

Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
OH GOD. *cringe gif*
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
Well for $1500 I would be disappointed for them if they weren't given a spiritual performance. Heavenly singing from on high, turning water into wine, etc., etc.

Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
LMAO. These people can't be serious. Are they the Beatles?
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
Jensen probably thinks he was so bad the entire audience wept openly.
Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
@Deanie_24 @AmandaF73 I cried on and off all the way through, not like howling just teary. It was that wonderful. Funny too though.
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
I cried on and off all the way through, not like howling just teary. It was that wonderful. Funny too though.

Deanie sounds kind of nutty.
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
lol this community makes me laugh so much with their comments. She is a little OTT right?
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets

Kinda nutty? Sounds like a whole jar of Planters to me--family sized.
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
Deanie isn't the one responding, she's being responded TO by amyinsydney. (but yeah, she is kinda, she's the special Aussie fan of Clif's)
@AmandaF73 Amazing voice, like seriously to hear him just sitting there quietly singing, it was astonishing.
3 minutes ago via web in reply to AmandaF73

@Charkinzie Yes, I think it was the best moment of my life ever. It was just magic. I'm so happy I did it.
4 minutes ago via web in reply to Charkinzie

Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
God love her. I'm trying not to sound snarky here, but: genuinely glad the price was worth it to at least some of the fans who paid.

Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session TweetsHahahahahaha! Poor Jason, no love for Mr. Manns.
I've got love for Mann's, exactly $10 worth.

Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
For $1500 I hope it was magical.
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
JC I hope there's an ambulance available for when they faint. When did Jensen turn into Elvis and not an actor with questionable singing ability? And he's sung before, so wtf? Ridiculous. I've seen a performer that I admire live and in person too, but I didn't act like this afterward. OTT and hella embarrassing.
@FaLLeN_AnGeL189 @Deanie_24 @AmandaF73 He said they were testing the waters. He freaked out when he was watching the auction.
2 minutes ago via web in reply to FaLLeN_AnGeL189

@AmandaF73 He was so nervous and it was very unrehearsed, lots of flubbing and laughing, but it was so amazing. He's a very special man.
2 minutes ago via web in reply to AmandaF73
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweet
Where's the love for Jason? Poor Jason, I guess he's just not a very special man.
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
Awww...but they rehearsed so much this week....I love how no one is talking about Jason. Sorry buddy!
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
Weren't they suppose to have rehearsed? Wasn't that the reason Jason flew all the way to Vancouver? ;)
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
IDGI. Flubbed what? Lyrics? You'd think they would've picked songs that they both knew by heart!
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
DA. It's easy to flub lines, chords and cues if you're underrehearsed. I know Jason went up this week but it was Wed, right? So they had Wed, Thurs, Fri and Sat to rehearse with Jensen working through most of those days. Jason's a professional musician so he's probably fine but I wonder how regularly Jensen practices? It's like any skill - you've got to rehearse for more than 3-4 sessions to stay sharp.
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
Eh, I think you're all making waaaay too big of a deal of someone mentioning Jensen flubbing. He was nervous to begin with so even if he had a lot more rehearsal it's no guarantee when he's not an experienced musician (which everyone knows going in). And it was advertised as a "Jam session" not a concert. I think it was supposed to feel more informal than an actual concert, and quite frankly, I think that would make it more fun to watch. YMMV.
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
I'd love it if he flubbed the lines and then sent one of those thousand watt smiles across to the fans and/or Jason. He would be adorable imo. It'd be like the bloopers, so cute.
ayrt: I'm sure you're correct, plus let's face it at that price you'd have to convince yourself that it was just that ~WONDERFUL, otherwise you're going to feel like you where taken advantage of. The practice thing for me is more of a Jensen issue, I would have thought that he'd want to put out the performance of his life, based on how much people where paying and it being his first official singing gig. But then again I guess we should all really wait for the reports before we start through more daggers at 15K!Ackles.

Still say for that price there better be orgasm involved, and none supplied by Manns TYVM.
Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
let's face it at that price you'd have to convince yourself that it was just that ~WONDERFUL, otherwise you're going to feel like you where taken advantage of.


Still say for that price there better be orgasm involved, and none supplied by Manns

Hahahahahaha! Poor Jason, no love for Mr. Manns. 
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
Justin in Beiber is no as talented as Jason but especially Jensen. Jensen has a good voice you just have to make sure he's not good at everything do you.

If you have the money, go for it I say. Here you are reading all their tweets, waiting, commenting and then your bagging them for being a part of it.

Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
Good god, I kind of hate you for making me do this, I'm by no stretch of the imagination a Bieber fan (he bugs the shit out of me), but the freaking kid is incredibly musically talented. It's actually too bad Usher got his hands on him, I would have liked to see what his musical style would have been without that influence, but yeah sorry the little hairy freak is a hell of a lot more talented musically than Jensen is. Eww I can't believe I said anything nice about that little hairy pocket munchkin.
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session TweetsHahahahahaha! Poor Jason, no love for Mr. Manns.I've got love for Mann's, exactly $10 worth.
Subject: Re: Jensen & Jason Jam Session Tweets
this reminds me of when James Marsters was seriously trying to launch a musical career

Lol I can see it now Jensen and the Ghost of the Impalas.


  1. Words can't express the lulz I am receiving from these tweets!

  2. I hope a video of them playing shows up. This is the stuff of legends! LMAO!

  3. I don't understand why the complain about the price of tickets or the talent of Jensen to sing. This was no profesional show, it was just a performance to truly fans wich wanted hear him sing. It always was clear. So, why the complain and the mock to the fans?

  4. Too funny! Fandumb never ceases to amuse me!

  5. If there is a video / audio of this WE MUST HAVE IT NOW ! :DDD

  6. From what I have heard video was not allowed. If its out there believe me I will do my best to find it and post it. :-)

  7. @Marcela That's just the way fandumb is. I wouldn't take it so seriously. You have to have a sense of humor about it.

  8. Ok, thanks for the advice, Hollowdoll. Although I think i'll never understand the anglo-saxon humor sense. Greetings.
