I'm surprised there aren't more pics like this at every con!

Castiel's penis is now this big!
I am in love with this pic. Chad's workin it and Matt's joining in for some fun! :-P
More photos...
It will certainly make the sex more interesting!
Not everything that happens in the Supernatural universe happense on screen.
Of course this just proves that Sam and Dean have a lot of fun
when they are alone in the motel rooms together.
We just don't get to see it.
Chad Lindbergh - Screaming Fans
Rising Con Brazil Painel Misha Matt
viper67_: On J2, Misha said WB forbids relationships between coworkers, "so its weird how much they get to make out in the corners." #risingconbrazil
viper67_: Somebody asked what they thought of J2's relationship. Chad: "a lot like the cat and the dog there". #risingconbrazilviper67_: What was the weirdest thing u saw in Brazil? Misha: a dog humping a cat. #risingconbrazil

I KNEW IT! Those kinky bastards! getting their rocks off alone in their motel rooms!
ReplyDeleteThe thought of Mark and Misha kissing. UNF UNF UNF!
ReplyDeleteApparently Mark has a soft tongue even though he's a silver tongued Devil!
ReplyDeletelol they are such enablers XD
ReplyDeleteof course they are! They know what is going on behind the scenes.
ReplyDeleteAs it should be, enquiring minds want to know! ;-) spill it!
ReplyDeleteSometimes I really do think they are in on it, by the way they say certain things. Misha, Chad and Matt are soooo fucking sexy!
ReplyDeleteMisha is a total enabler and that's why we love him so.
ReplyDeleteMy issue is that the bits we don't get to see in the SPN universe are the best bits. Dean teaching Sammy to kiss. Dean servicing Oberon. Sam having alone time in the shower. See whadimean??
It's true my love! We are getting the short end of the stick and that's why there is SO MUCH fanfic! I mean really! Misha is awesome! No wonder they are trying to make him the new God.
ReplyDeleteAnd we were so close to losing Cas! *shivers*
Also, sometimes I go a bit mad and think the boys are actually just making out round corners every day on set and I get irrationally infuriated that I can't see it happening :D
ReplyDeleteYou are so right PW, I bet they have special little cubby holes for canoodling!
ReplyDeleteI agree there must be a lot of good hiding places for alone time on set. UNF UNF UNF! It is so rude that they deny us access to their most private of momemnts! ;-P
ReplyDeleteexactly! where are all the damn shower scenes!!!!????
ReplyDeleteAll I know is that Misha said J2 get sent to their trailers alot. I wonder what they do in there. Misha also was kind enough to share that Jensen has had many more years practice with Jared. hee hee hee
ReplyDeleteI love the story of Jared running his hand up Jensen's thigh! and Misha does too! yeah!
ReplyDeleteTheir love is blinding how can anyone not see it?! <3 squee!
ReplyDeleteCanoodloles :D
ReplyDeleteThey certainly touch more than any boys I have ever seen. Most straight boys I know do the over the top wrestling 'get off me you bummer' thing. And the gay ones hate each other as much as the straight couples :D No snogging or PDAs once you are in a committed relayshionship :D But the unthinking J2 tenderness makes me go <_< (and nearly wet my pants obv). It may just be Jared's wandering paws, but IDK...IDK...One thing's for sure - epic love remains epic!
I agree! There must be much behind the scenes canoodling and epic man love! *goes back to day dreaming*
ReplyDeleteSeriously! I can't help thinking about SPN bringing Matt back to play GOD! That would be interesting! Oh yes they are very touchy feely even when they are trying not to be. J2 can't help it. :-D
ReplyDeleteHD did you get my last email? and what about the one with the *whispers behind hand* porn ;P
ReplyDeleteDid someone say porn? *sniffs the air*
ReplyDeletelol yeah, i sent HD some from my new porn stash so that combined with WTs' stash should keep us going through the hellatus :D
ReplyDeletenothing to add here, this post is just a riot!! :D
ReplyDeleteCC this is awesomeeeeee!! can't wait to see ur new stuff :)
ReplyDeleteIt's a toss up. JDM as God would be quite fucking perfect!
ReplyDeleteMatt could play Jesus and JDM could play God.