Damn! Can't wait for Pinkwood's recap!

Apparentely neither can Jensen or Jared.

These guys are killing me with their stupid faces!

I can't wait until I find a pic of Jensen doing this pose from the front!


irismay42 Will Jensen ever work in show where he's not "the short one"? Hopes not!He likes people to go"Wow you're tall!" when they meet him! #Asylum6
AerithQOC #asylum6 jensens doing his bad dean acting
irismay42 Misha had to leave during bad acting scene on French Mistake as laughing to much! #Asylum6
ejtheviking BEE STORY! Not the full one, but a mention @SuperWiki #asylum6 -
millionsbyname #Asylum6 j2 being delightful "I have an issue with spit" - Jared
That's what they make lube for Jared
SpnMaisieDaisy They perhaps may ask jensen to do a commentary on Weekend at Bobbys wooop #Asylum6
millionsbyname #Asylum6 Jensen said the snake in yf went down his pants and Jared was jumping around squealing - That's quite the visual.
@SpnMaisieDaisy: Jared would be happy to do a gilmore girls movie #asylum6
@SpnMaisieDaisy: Jared was really scared of snake in yellow fever & it went between jensens legs #Asylum6
Oh really?! Oh to be a snake!
millionsbyname #Asylum6 Jared on gg - "jensen's just jealous there's only one true dean"
crazyisgood4792 Jared won't do anything with spit or snakes climbing across him #Asylum6
unless he's in the bedroom with Jensen of course. That changes everything.
irismay42 Jared loved beating Jensen up at end of Swan Song. Makeup on Jensen took 2 1/2 hours. #Asylum6 With kinky foreplay like that they must have had epic sex.
crazyisgood4792 Jared enjoyed being so mean as Lucifer, the make-up took about 2 and a half hours to put on, Swan Song #Asylum6
irismay42 Lady expecting a baby. Should she call him Jared or Jensen? Jared: "Jared! You're more likely to get Jared than Jensen keychains." #Asylum6 -
crazyisgood4792: Jared enjoyed killing Paris Hilton #Asylum6 - Who wouldn't?
irismay42 Jensen & Jared once escorted off stage for putting Misha off in scene!! #Asylum6
crazyisgood4792 Misha said to Jensen he now just tries to get through the scene rather than good work lol #Asylum6
crazyisgood4792 Jensen and Jared now know about Stonehenge Apocalypse #Asylum6
crazyisgood4792 The crew built a mini stonehenge and blared the song Stonehenge by Spinal Tap when they showed him it #Asylum6
absdax jared says jensen sings lady gaga song born this way jesnen denys it... #asylum6
Jensen and Jared have amusing taste in music.
crazyisgood4792 Jared says Jensen sings Born This Way a lot lol #Asylum6
irismay42 What would Jensen like to release as a single? Jared: "Bonnie Tyler Total Eclipse of the Heart!" #Asylum6 Why doesn't this suprise me.
WaywardLou Jared "if I met Sam, I'd shake him by the shirt and say 'You look a lot like me.'" #asylum6
absdax if jared met sam he would tell him to go hunt demons in hot places and take care of his hair #asylum6
SpnMaisieDaisy Jensen said he heard katy perrys et in the gym and was like is she singing about supernatural? #Asylum6
absdax if jensen met dean he would ask to drive the Impala and can he keep the colt. #asylum6
SpnMaisieDaisy Rodney carrington daniel tosh kevin james are js fav comedians #Asylum6
MaiMaeMay Jared not comfortable with sexual scenes per say. Married co-star :P (Obviously) Jensen says get to the point #asylum6
crazyisgood4792 Jared doesn't like shows being highly sexual, wants it to be within the storyline #Asylum6
WaywardLou Jared is uncomfortable with highly sexualised content and wants to keep the show classy #asylum6
irismay42 Jared uncomfortable with sexual stuff on show as doesn't want it to go trashy like MTV shows. Wants it to stay classy. #Asylum6
Interesting, very interesting.
irismay42 Jared's fave Beatles song? Let it Be, Hey Jude, In My Life. Sadie the dog named after song Sexy Sadie. #Asylum6
crazyisgood4792 Jared named his dog after The Beatles song #Asylum6
@absdax: jared broke jensens mike #asylum6 AGAIN! LMAO!
absdax jensen says he would take dean to a bar and get him to tell him storys of his life #asylum6
irismay42 Jensen would take Dean for a beer. Jared would take Sam and flick peanuts at Dean and Jensen. #Asylum6
absdax cindy asked them who's fave female character they aswered richard. Then richard ran accross the stage #asylum6
crazyisgood4792 Jensen talking about rising from the grave and Kim shouting Suck It Up Ackles #Asylum6
irismay42 Jared's fave Beatles song? Let it Be, Hey Jude, In My Life. Sadie the dog named after song Sexy Sadie. #Asylum6
#Asylum6 Jensen teased Jared about his hair being afraid of his face as that silly American woman said y'day. Jared took it in jest
27 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply »
#Asylum6 j2 suggesting baby names for woman jarsen or jenrad
1 hour ago
#asylum Jensen asked what song he'd release if he did a song he was all 'i don't know...' Jared: You DO...Born this Way!
6 minutes ag
irismay42 Do you guys feel objectified after weekend like this? Jared: yeah!!! Jensen: no you guys very respectful. #Asylum6
awesome photo's
of course jared doesn't like the sex scenes cuz they're with women :P
ReplyDeleteSo true CC! lmao! those pics are killing me!
ReplyDeleteThey are so funny! Can't wait to watch all the videos.
ReplyDeletebuahhahahah CC so trueee!!
ReplyDeleteThey looked beautiful, Jensen is just more perfect than usual, Jared's hair in one pic makes me laugh so hard i think i broke a couple of ribs, and MY Richard(yes, MY Richard, GTFO bishes)playing guitar and singing!! and the tweets are hilarious!
And lol jensen in the gym listening to katy perry...if he looks on YT for Spn videos with that song, half of them are Wincest/Destiel LMAO
They played quite a lot of slashy vids in the panel room. I was surprised! I'm waiting on pics so I can do my recap guys!
ReplyDeleteI am waiting not so patiently for your recap Pinkwood. ;-) so exciting! looks like it was a fun and interesting con as usual!
ReplyDeleteI love Jared even more for know that total ecipse of the heart even exists! It's one of my cheesy fave karoake songs! PINKWOOD, my luv. RECAP RECAP RECAP! 1st day back at work, it's going to suck big time!
ReplyDeleteYeah! HD is back! Finally! I can imagine all the vids they watch. :-) they were all in fine form this weekend. I can't wait for your recap either pinkwood. Definitely a good time!
ReplyDeleteI am going to write it now. Just waiting on pics from my friend. Sorry! I am still a bit dazed tbh! It was such a good weekend. The boys exceeded my already high expectations. There was a really good atmosphere and they seemed to enjoy it. I was looking at my pic with Jared. I have my hand on the Padatummy and my eyes look black because my pupils are huge! I look like I'm on hard drugs! I've never met anyone so overwhelming in my life. Damian Kulash needs to pull something exceptional out of the bag when I see him next month or Jared may end his 10 yr reign as KING OF MY HEART! Serious business is serious.
ReplyDeleteYour hand was on the padatummy and Jensen didn't come running in to put you in a headlock? :-P
ReplyDeleteHa! NOPE! He was busy, and I totally touched it. It's a starfish of love. I'll e-mail it to you but it's the WORST photo of me possible...
ReplyDeleteKarma's a bitch. No way were you going to look good in a pic giving the SOL to Padalecki. Somehow I don't think you mind too much. ;-)
ReplyDeleteLOL! True.
ReplyDeleteI think I will be wearing the shower curtain costume from karate kid. You'll just see me peeking out. ;-)
ReplyDeleteYou guys are fucking awesome. I love this place.
ReplyDeleteAwwww! Thanks! Hope you stick around ;)
ReplyDeleteWaitaminute! Jared, is that you? :D
ReplyDeleteMaybe it is & maybe it isn't. Do I type like a really tall man who's trying not to break the keyboard with my humongous hands?
ReplyDeleteno, actually ur typing like Misha that is making fun of poor ginormous Jared! fuck, i knew you were watching us! Welcome welcome ;P
ReplyDeleteps. yay! for HD being back (i know this means u gotta work and that sucks, but really, we missed acklesepic's awesomeness so much while u were gone), and for Pinkwood having so much to say....darling u know that you're gonna be chained to the chair and forced to write every.single.detail of this Con and give links to videos of the panels (and of the slash videos u said they showed, coz that is srsly unusual!), right? good. ;)
ReplyDeleteWT, you seriously over estimate my technical powers! I have no vids and my photos are crap! But I do have a brain full of details so I will try and satisfy you, you insatiable minx! I have to sleep now as I have work tomorrow (I'm in the biggest mood about that) and my eyes are all crossed, but my recap will be up tomorrow. PROMISE. I'll post the link here. Then anything I leave out, you can ask.
ReplyDeleteThe fan vids they were showing are actually ones you would probably recognise more than me. I'd seen a few on Youtube and they were definitely Wincesty. There was also a crossover one involving Megan Fox?!
Misha! Should have known. Stop stalking us! ;)
Oh right, i forgot we live in the same Meridian :P im going to sleep too, hard study waits for me tomorrow -.- sigh. But at least i'll find ur recap when i come back home which will definitely make me feel better :D
ReplyDelete...Megan Fox? oh hell, i've just finished commenting Angelina Jolie's post on the Planet, i cannot think about Fox too in the same moment, my brain could explode -.- I'll look for it tomorrow though!
'night girls :)
'night Misha, i expect you to visit us more often from now on!!!!
I only pick on Jared because he can take it. Good night ladies.
ReplyDeleteMisha, Misha, Misha. You trouble maker. Poor Pinkwood, life will forever be a pale copy compared to last weekend. ;-P
ReplyDeleteHuh, sometimes you make me wonder if J² are a secret couple or not. Still, I refuse to believe. Why do you refuse believing what they say? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't wonder. You make me wonder! Damnit, I want a goodnightsleep, not a spinning head about too hot men! There's a special hell for you, but you already know this :-D
ReplyDelete- Not Misha
yes! we have confused the not!misha anon! victory! next comes acceptance, woot! :D we will convert the whole world mwahahahahaha!!! ;P
ReplyDeletehello misha!anon *waves* :D
also while we're talking about misha, i finally got my prize money from him for being on the winning team for the rhino hunt :D yay!
and i'm totally looking forward to your recap my pretty pinkasaurus and more posts from HD! :DD
so we have an anonymous Misha and an anonymous Not!Misha...ok guys why dont u just pick 2 ridiculous nicknames like the rest of us did and sign yourself the next time? :) it's easier! (Misha, if you pick "Confetti!Itsapornparade" or "MyRhinoIsBiggerThanYours" you're definitely my new hero)
ReplyDelete@Not!Misha...*we* make you wonder?! lol you should see more videos and pics of them, and then THEY would make you wonder...they can say whatever they want to, but body language is totally another story and apparently they can't control it ;)
oh yes we know about the special hell..and since we're already doomed to end up there, we might as well enjoy the ride :P
Be nice! Don't scare away the Misha's! They might dance for us! We accept Misha's of every. Size, race, creed, sexuality, color, nationality and religion. ;-) Congrats on getting your prize BB!