Saturday, April 23, 2011

The only red headed beard Jensen has ever stroked

Why do you look like someone's holding a gun on you?

We know what you are thinking Jensen, we are thinking the same thing.....
Off with her head! ;-P

I'm digging Jensen's turquoise fruit of the looms!


  1. lmao! too true! XD jensen you may think you're being all incognito with those shades and that beanie, but you're really not :P

  2. Can't disquise that much beauty. It's not humanly possible.

  3. LOL this is so made of WIN!

  4. Meow! Lol.

    Oh Jensen. Look at your giant sword! I LOVE medieval themed places. I'm totally serious. I Please come to my house and I can show the pictures of the day I made all my friends come to a jousting contest (I got food poisoning but we won't dwell). Then you can show me your jousting skillz.

  5. ALSO Why are none of them all dressed up??? If a chance to pretend you are actually in olden days presents itself, you have to seize it with both hands and RIDE IT! I should totally be at a joust right now instead of contemplating hoovering and watching Mary Poppins :(

  6. Off with her head! lmao! Jensen looks so comfortable with his beard as always.

  7. All I am saying is that if you look like your beard is making you ill then you might want to consider shaving it or at least don't always look like you are trying not to throw up in your mouth. I love the Renn Fest. Pinkwood when you visit Minnesota you will have to come during Renn Fest. Tell the truth you are contemplating hoovering Jensen and while Mary Poppins plays in the background. kinky!

  8. Can we dress up? Can we can we can we huh???

    Banged to rights again, wifey. Just a spoonful of Jensen makes ANYONE go down. JSYK.

  9. i know pinkwood!! i feel srsly jipped that we didn't get to see them in costume, i would have totally dressed up *pouts*

    i would definintely dress up with you pinkwood <3

  10. I think a nice balcony dress is the way forward, CC! We should bring them back. Lets the girls come out to play and hides a multitude of sins ;)

    Or maybe a nice pair of leather breeches?

  11. if sins means my stomach then i am all for it! XD the girls must definitely have room to come out and play, they get lonely :P

  12. I know that Jensen and Jared joust with their cocks in the bedroom.

  13. Let the sex games begin!

  14. turquoise undies XD i was watching the vid and i thought maybe it was a belt at first, but then i paused it and realized that yes they were his undies sticking out XD

  15. LMAO! They are soooo funny!
