Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's in Jared's and Jensen's Auras

describing their individual auras

Yes, I can. But first I want to tell you that I’ve learned that my perception of auras and/or aura colors doesn’t necessarily consent to things I read in some new-agy or esoteric books or nowadays websites. Some points do, some points don’t. Mostly I’ve learned the meaning of colors or the meaning of interaction through experiences in my life. Like seeing how auras of persons change or react when they are happy/scared/nervous/in love and so on.
But every person, I’ve learned has a kind of a “basic” aura which is distinctly his or her own.
I am going to describe them first.
Jensen: Jensen’s aura has a lot of a brownish-red which means that he is a pretty grounded and down-to-earth man. He is very structured in what he thinks and feels and what he lets other person see of that. This color mixes with a light blue that shows self consciousness or shyness. That color becomes very dark and intense when he works (acts) and gets a different quality. I saw that color a lot with people that have a very strong will. In Jensen’s Aura are often some strikes of grey. Which means hurt or fear or doubts. He hides a lot of himself.
Jared: Jared’s aura is very bright and big. Which is really rare. It is a mixture of a bright magenta and a bright yellow. The magenta comes with caring, loving, selfless persons. And the yellow stand for intelligence and a “fast” mind. The combination of those is rare, too. Mostly it’s either “head” or “heart”. Jared combines both in perfect harmony. So balanced, that his aura seems to be nearly white at times - because the colors balance each other out. Sometimes there are strikes of a darker violet, which I know as brooding or over thinking. When he works, though he has the same strong-will-blue as Jensen.

describing how their auras interact (J2, J/D, J/G) and her interpretations.

Answers to your questions (2)

When two people are in love with each other, their aura changes when they interact (speak to each other/look at each other…) or stand close.
It becomes dotted with golden sparks, orange and yes, red.
Meanwhile the first and the second season those sparks went haywire between them. All of their “basic colors” (see first FAQ post) connected and intermingled. In some photos it was that I could hardly see them through all the sparks. It came from both sides in a same intensity. The orange, though - which is very sexual was heavier on Jensen’s side, but the orange “dots” or “sparks” got stronger on Jared’s side with time.
When people had sex or did anything sexual there is an orange “connection line” between the both of them for a while. I saw that in some pics, sometimes clearly sometimes not so clear.

In this picture below, it was very, very clear and distinctive. But there was a fair amount of grey almost violet hurt on Jen’s side and “swirling colors” = confusion on Jared’s

The quality of their feelings changed. There are still sparks - occasionally. Gold and orange. On both sides. But they are mixed with grey, which means hurt. But they are still there. But no orange connection lines lately.

What about there wives?

THIS is a strange thing! Jensen’s connection to Danneel has all the colors of a solid friendship. A grassy green, that shows respect and care. But no orange at all.
With Jared and genevieve there are golden sparks - but so much more on her side than on his! And the green is there as well…but…fading…? There is a lot of orange….which looks more like a crush, than love.

Always amusing


  1. ok not to rain on anyones parade, but i have a hard time trusting and believing in anything that i don't have proof of or can't see with my own eyes so this kind of new agey stuff makes me raise an eyebrow.

    but still i agree with this for the most part b/c that is the way i see jensen and jareds' personalities and they did show a lot more chemistry in the begining than they openly show now, but clearly they're still as in love with each other as they were back then, but have learned to hide it for obvious reasons so i can understand why it would look like the spark has dwindled.

    ok why and when have i turned into a phychology professor?! geez just stop me if i get too long winded ;)

  2. Yeah I take it with a grain of salt. But it is amusing. It's hard not to go off into a speach when you love them as much as we do. Yeah the put a lot down on showing their emotions, lot of good that's doing. :-) And don't turn your nose up just cuz she doesn't have your thumb of wisdom. :-P

  3. im a sceptic person, so i usually just answer with a "puff" to all the new age crap people tell me, but i gotta admit that this post is quite interesting.

    if i take this post seriously, i might be happy for them-before and sad for them-now. I mean, if it's Jared the one who really made the decision to separate and get married for saving careers blahblahblah causing Jensen's deep sadness and hurt and now sharing golden sparks with Genevieve, i'd seriously feel the impulse to choke the guy on the spot. How could u do that Jared????????

    But okay, lucky him that im a sceptic person. sgrunt.

  4. exactly, let's just ignore the parts of this post that are untrue and focus on the positive :D

  5. can i say something really really really stupid? i know u looove me so i think even if u'll laugh ur asses off for what im about to say, i will be able to write on this blog again without feeling too stupid -.-
    here's the thing: i got into slash only last summer, it was a total surprise to me. I blame J2 for that, their chemistry is just too's impossible not to be overcome. The way they look at each other, talk to each surrounded by friends, lovers, sigblings, collegues, and ive never seen something like that, seriously. I hardly believe(d) in love but seeing them acting toward each other was like getting a punch in the face. I was like "omg this is it, im actually seeing it, that's how LOVE looks like". It's epic, i cant find a better adjective.
    And now if i allow myself to think that they really decided to separate...well,i cannot think that happened, i would...lose my faith in people.
    Ok weird speech over :P

  6. beautiful speech love and that's why we must keep believing their love is still true b/c if we don't we'll know the apocalpyse is nigh and all will be lost, amen :P

  7. I totally get what your saying Watchtower. I feel the same way. I'm a cynical bitch on the outside and a mushy romantic on the inside.
    Seeing them together when the love shines out of their eyes is what makes life worth living. :-) That and having awesome friends!

  8. crap we sound like Alcoholics Anonimous who secretly share their weakness in the same room! Hi i'm Charlie, i'm only 20 but i already am a cynical aphatetic bastard who doesnt give a shit about anything, but when nobody sees me i read long J2 fanfics with a happy ending because in my deep i strongly believe in their real love and nothing makes me more happy and peaceful than that.

    HD u said it, J2epiclove+awesomefriends=lifeisgood. :D Im so glad i found you guys, i have a lot of friends i love, but none of them knows or understands J2 and this whole story. Im vitually baking you a giant cake to express gratitude <3 with the padapenis drew on it obviously.

  9. hi, i'm CC, i'm only 23, but i'm a cynical pessimist about everything non fandom related, but i get so damn happy and mushy inside when i see proof of their love that sometimes i have to do lamaze breathing to calm myself down :P

    i'm so glad i found you guys and all of my crazy fandom online friends b/c nobody outside of the internet gets it *smishes you all to my heaving bosom*

  10. heaving bosom to be exact ;P
