Of course strangers will try to pronounce it Padackle Shump.
I will have to correct them.
It is pronounced Padackles Hump.
Acklecorn, Pinkwood I are finally getting hitched.
I will be sending out invitations, you all are invited.
My sweet wifey Pinkwood will be marrying Acklecorn as well of course.
Pinkwood will be keeping her name due to the recognition she has already
achieved in her budding writing career.
However, I do think Pinkwood Padackleshump VonAcklehorn has a very nice ring to it.
Feel free to address her as thus. (or if you are feeling extra naughty - Kinkwood
Pinkwood is a tough, independent, saucy little minx who stands on her own merits,
Unicorn Heyy is a very open minded, tolerant and forward thinking planet.
Acklecorn is extremely proud of Pinkwoods gift for transporting the reader into
the worlds she creates and writes about.
What can I say Acklehorn has really good taste, obviously.
I mean he picked me didn't he?
Pinkwood hasn't decided what wedding dress she is going to wear.
Here are some of the dresses she is considering.

I think the right pic is of a bondage wedding dress.

I have to admit this one is my favorite so far.

Acklecorn really liked this, however,
we explained to him on planet Earth, this is a bit much.
Maybe when we renew our vows.

Of course this is Acklecorn first choice for Pinkwood.

I am hoping to talk Pinkwood into wearing this at the reception or at least on the honeymoon.

I think I will go with something like this.
Of course Acklecorn wants to go more traditional.

Pinkwood and I had to explain to him that traditional on planet Unicorn Heyy
is very different that it is on Planet Earth.
I mean hell, this is their most popular TV show.

They even turned this one into a video game.
You know you want to move to Planet Unicorn Heyy right now.

So Acklecorn will be wearing something more like this.
It's all about compromising.
We have started our wedding registry list.

Pinkwood, Acklecorn and I all want this. We are very forward thinking when it comes to sharing. We are equally good at giving and receiving.

Words to live by.

That's not the only thing we'd do for sex.

I would have thought the manual would be bigger.

Acklecorn really wants this.

Don't ask me, I don't know what they are.
But they'd really class up the joint.

Self explanatory and more than worth it.

You know what they say, you can't have too many nipples.

Who doesn't want a big green penis.

Hey, what Acklecorn wants, Acklecorn gets.

Pinkwood wants a matching set of these to give to J2.
Pinkwood's thinking about bringing a third one for Misha, but she said she's going to make him work for it. Of course you know that Sebastian will break down the door in a fit of jealousy demanding to know where his Kandy Undies are.

And the mother in law.

I need to tell Lady Gaga that this is the creative result of a genius.
I think she's confused.

Just in case it floods.

What home is complete with out these?

Say what you will, but I am not the one describing Jesus like he's a hamburger.

Not only useful, But it's interesting to learn that Jensen wasn't the only one who modeled when he was younger, apparently so did Clint.

Clint wanted to be a bridesmaid but we just laughed in his face.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

Pinkwood is also bringing this with her when she meets J2. Never hurts to be prepared.
Again she's bringing a third one for Misha, but Pinkwood said this ones more for her and Acklecorn than for Misha..
Of course you know that Sebastian will break down the door in a fit of jealousy insisting that he has the biggest penis on the show. We will humor him, but we all know there is nothing equal to the padapeen.

We can't figure out what we want most. The legs, the skirt or the slippers.

I don't even care that it's last years calendar.

They say it's all in the wrist, but it's really all in the thumbs.

FYI...don't ask us about having kids.

This is the only awkward part because on planet Unicorn Heyy
the males carry the baby.

We censored the pic so no one would feel uncomfortable.

FYI...Lady Gaga is not invited to the wedding.
Acklecorn is still mourning as this was his cousin.
Now we just need to decide on a date. Thoughts?

OOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKK! This may be the most exciting thing I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen John Barrowman’s willy. I can’t...even. I am speechless. I need to gather my thoughts and get back to you. I LOLed so hard on the tube for like 5 minutes straight, that I got proper stared at.
Or should that be OT3? IDEK. It's still TRUTH.
ReplyDeleteI love weddings I'm so excited! squee. Congratulations! You also have to decide where your getting married. The nipples and the candy underwear. I don't even know. My brain is still filtering all of this epic rediculousness. ;-)
ReplyDeleteooooooh Congratulations! what a big step! im totally jealous that ur stealing Acklecorn from the rest of us, so i suggest you to keep ur couple -uhm,no,ur threesome- "open", so u dont risk to be victim of a passional crime ;P
ReplyDeleteIm sure Pinkwood will choose her dress wisely and Acklecorn will be totally satisfied with your new big house.
My wedding present will be a giant Padalecki-size vibrator with 3 heads (im sure also Acklecorn will want to try it coz it will remind him of his friend Padasloth he met in one of his fantastic journeys).
Let us know when/where u3 will say "I do", so we can all come there dressed in perfect Rocky Horror Picture Show style (just to be in accord with the nature of this blog and of our personalities, ahem) and get drunk after the ceremony with you! :)
Awesomesauce, WT! Someone can borrow my Columbia outfit ;)
*whistles* fishnets! Sexy! I lawled so hard when I saw the pregnant man who looks like Jared. Confetti its a hat parade!
ReplyDeleteGood eye Zipster that's exactly why I chose that pic. Well there's crimes of passion and there's crimes of passion.Watchtower you are going to have to be more specific before we can make up our minds. ;-) my friend is a new age-y reverand so she will marry us if Misha is not available.
ReplyDeletemore specific about the crime of passion or the Padavibrator?! coz in the first case, i have to admit that i totally fell for Acklecorn at first sight and the fact he's marrying two other girls is breaking my heart *sniff sniff*. But even if it will be hard to accept for me, he chose you so i promis i wont play The Graduate during the ceremony and take him away with me. Or, y know, commit triple homicide+suicide or stuff like that.
ReplyDeleteIn the second case...really, it's better if i dont give u too many details about the Padavib, u'll be pleasantly surprised.
Don't. Worry on the Planet Unicorn Heyyy all marriages are open marriages bb. They know how to do it up right. :-P its gonna be hard to wait to open the Padavibe until after the wedding. I of course shall be dying my hair purple for the wedding. I am still searching for the perfect low cut tuxedo that displays my boobs in a most wonderous way. I think it will have to be custom made. ;-)
ReplyDeleteEveryone can ride the 'corn. He's too pretty to be kept in the stable ;)
ReplyDeletePadavibe is a genuinely genius business idea. If we sell enough we'll have money enough for our own commune and hay for Acklecorn for years to come.
Mmmmm...Padavibe. DO WANT!
Acklecorn eats hay to keep his svelte figure. Acklecorn lives for Padajizz and Mishasmishing. Some of his fave foods are mangos, banana laffy taffy, sushi, pad thai, Cherry Garcia frozen yogurt, calamari and brussel sprouts. Acklecorn and I like a lot of the same foods. :-P
ReplyDeleteO RLY? Well, ain't that a rinky-dink, my sweet! You'll be pleased to hear I also yum up all those things. Xmas will be explosive on Unicorn Heyyy with 3 sprout lovers in the family ;)
ReplyDeleteMmmm...I bet Padajizz tastes just like Cherry Garcia.
no, clearly padajizz tastes like rainbow sherbet *nods*
ReplyDeleteCONGRATS YOU GUYS!!!! can i be the wacky cousin or aunt or someone that is crazy?!! pweety pweeze?! :DD
That's the beauty of it darlin. You can be anyone you want. :-) Pinkwood that is just shocking! We like the same food. Now that's just plain weird! Smut, wincest, hotdog porn, dirty talk. That I can deal with. But to like the same foods. That's just too much crazy for me. We may have to postpone the wedding. :-P
ReplyDeleteoh maaaaan! i knew it, damn! The groom (well, i know ur tecnically a bride too, but since u chose a male outfit, let's define u the groom) always freaks out when he realizes things are really really serious!! Hollowdoll, i know u didnt pick me as ur Best Man but hey, someone gotta do that job anyway, so shut up and listen! You will have a wonderful girl and a Acklecorn waiting for you to show up and make them happy,and yeah, i know liking the same food is a weird creepy thing that would give anyone goosebumps, but she's the one and u know it. So stop acting chickenshit, walk down the aisle and make the lovely Kinkwood ur Miss Padackleshump VonAcklehorn. u hear me? SUIT UP!
ReplyDeleteSchooled. But you know serious business is serious. I don't want to rush anything. What if the time's not right? We are going to be together the rest of our lives anyway. They are my muses, I can't give them up. They are my heart and soul. Maybe I'll feel better when we choose a date and location. Thanks for the pep talk. ;-P You are a good friend.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't wait until the wedding to change my name. ;-)
I will definitely be at the wedding. Wouldn't miss it for the world. *wink, wink. nudge, nudge* ;-P
ReplyDeleteLMAO! I want Kandy Undies and extra nipples as well! That has got to be the best wedding registry ever!