Welcome to our World of Supernatural Rejuvenation. Jensen and Jared are the gift that keeps on giving. Reality is fluid, most things in life are just an optical illusion so sit back and enjoy the ride. Hopefully you brought your sense of humor with you. Otherwise you are in the wrong place.
Look at sassy pants strut his stuff!
ReplyDeletelol he's such a princess XD
ReplyDeleteoh Jared, your damn long sexy legs! you're such a tease!! and look at how Jensen is looking at him...that is adoration folks :)
ReplyDeleteJensen is thinking about what is between Jared's legs.
ReplyDeletethe hypnotic Padacock strikes again!
ReplyDeleteOh, I will be watching for any accidental Padacock action in 7 weeks and counting...
ReplyDeleteI will be watchting it in 8 days!!!!!!!!!!!!
WEEEEEEEEEEE! I want a FULL REPORT on my desk ASAP, bb! Do not keep me in suspenders.
ReplyDeleteI posted a link to that fic on the Wincest page. It is wonderful - but it did make me cry! I am quite pathetic though :/
of course! i wont be online for those 3 days but as soon as i come back, i'll give u all the details! omg im so nervous it's my first Con ever! and i havent decided what to say to Jared and Misha yet... im gonna throw up x_x
ReplyDeletethanks for the link! naah ur not pathetic, we all cried at least once reading about Sam/Dean-Jensen/Jared Epic Love *.*
Don't worry bb! Misha is LOVELY. And I'm pretty sure Jared can talk enough for both of you ;) You will be fabulous. They'll love you.
ReplyDeleteYou are going to have so much fun! My 1st con is in oct so I know how you feel. Make sure to slip them a piece of paper with our site on it. :-P
ReplyDeleteLMAO! I would love to see their facesif WT did that. ;-)
ReplyDeleteBoth to Jared and Jensen i think i'll give a little sketch as present, and im planning to write something little behind the paper, like the name of my favs J2 fanfics, just the title, without explanation..like a treasure hunt! and if they'll get curious and look for them on the web when they're home, maybe they'll find "inspiration" for sex or maybe even for coming out of the closet ;) i have to choose wisely. I knooow it's very improbable, but a girl can dream *sighs*
ReplyDeleteThe sketch for Misha will definitely have the name of this blog on it!!!!!!!!! we need backup from that crazy guy! I'LL DO IT I'LL DO IT!!!!
I bet Misha spends all day on LJ. We're probably friends with him :D
ReplyDeleteWatchtower, your comittment to the cause is astounding, your optimism contagious. I love the idea of your art inspiring boysex. I believe in you. You are my new religion!
oooh! watchtower i can't wait for you to cum back with all the juicy J2 details! :DDD
ReplyDeleteLMAO! I love you Watchtower! I so wish I could be there to see you give them the pics.
ReplyDeleteThe thought of them figuring out WT's clues is making me grin like an idiot.
ReplyDeletelol im sure Misha is the one stalking us, not viceversa!!!
ReplyDeleteI quote again the best movie line ever that i'll make print on my t-shirt sooner or later:
Pinkwood if i were the Blue Fairy, i'd spend my time looking for a way to make them understand that they're wasting their time for the wrong reasons, like career and public opinion, sacrificing the so precious and rare thing they found in each other!! But im only human (at least this is what my parents told me) and i gotta do what i can U_U
CC, of course! you gals of this blog will be the first people i'll tell everything about it, i promise :)
HD, love ya too and the next year im sure u'll be here for real at our Epic Reunion Convention! ;)
Chumpchange..i just hope they're curious enough to actually look for them...if they do it, i bet they'll be shocked but also intrigued ;) and maybe they'll read them all and have a sort of epiphany...I believe in them!