Thursday, March 24, 2011

Guess what today is?

lkjdfajsdf;pjodsf please let this be real :’)

We all wish!
It's CC's birthday!
Happy Birthday CC! This ones for you!

Apparently Sam and Dean started the party with out us.

hahahahaha this is funny shit, right there. hahahah

It's one of those days where you take a moment for self inventory.

Apparently someone decided to photobomb your birthday montage. ;-)

Lucky for us we can love you outloud.


Then you and Jensen please get out of the closet

 yes. hnngh
So do we BB, so do we.
You are definitely in the right place.


I could stare it forever
as. could. i.
 Now remember to pace yourself.
You wouldn't want to embarrass yourself in front of CK.


  1. Happy Birthday CC!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CC!!!!!!!!!!!! i wish u a wonderful day full of surprises, hugs, cakes and obviously a proper fix of J2 Porn! :D

    ps. Hollowdoll, the first pic made my entire week!

  3. I know! I got confused and thought it was my bday when I found it! More importantly happy bday CC! Can wait to see pics of KC's toupee made of Clint's back hair.

  4. Happy Bday CC! Don't party too hard! Party just hard enough! :-P

  5. Happy birthday, gurl! May your coming year be filled with dreams of sweet Padahumps and Acklecorns :D xxx

  6. Happy bday! Hope u get everything u wish for.

  7. Happy Birthday CC!!! I hope all your birthday wishes come true. Have fun tonight celebrating. I really hope you can get CK's "signature" hehee. Hugs bb. :P

  8. Happy Bday CC. hope your out have tons of fun!

  9. *swoons* awww! thanks you guys, this was awesome!! *tackle hugs everyone* i spent 7 hours of my birthday on a greyhound bus, but once i met up with my friends we had mimosas and played some Wii games :D

    hollowdoll: it's ok to be jealous bb ;P
    vee: i will certainly try, i'm going to wear my victoria secret push up bra :DD

  10. Its all good I happen to look stunning in green. ;-) Welcome back to the fold. Our chi was off while you were gone. Can't wait for stories and pics.

  11. of course your chi was off, all of us here are like a multi-sided ying yang so if one of us is absent then all of us feel it :D
    i'm not taking any pics b/c A. i don't have a camera and B. i'm always to busy drooling to remember to do anything other than squee XD but my friends will be taking pics :D
