Sunday, March 20, 2011

An encounter with Jensen and Jared, and other fairy tales


  1. If Padahump asked me if I was avoiding him, I would say 'Nope' and mount him forthwith. If Jensen picked me up unannounced, well, he'd probably get a hernia, but if he tried, I would mount him also. That is all I have to say about this.

  2. go Pinkwood gooo! same here bb, same here ;)
    now consider my face like a crying!Misha saying "I WANNA LIVE IN VANCOUVER SO MUH-HUH-HUCH"

  3. Let me know when we are moving to our new house in vancouver. pinkwood if jensen can handle jared he can certainly handle you.

  4. me too watchtower, me too bb *frowny face*
    i has a sad that they didn't come in together, i wanted them to be shopping and bickering like an old married couple about what to buy XDD
    i think i would die if jensen just randomly picked me up *fans self* but i agree with pinkwood, he would definitely get a hernia or throw his back out trying XDD
    poor padamoose i would never ignore him <3

  5. Hey hey hey! What kind of talk is this?! Jensen is not some frail woobie. Jensen is a sexual dynamo! He would rock all your worlds! At one time while Jared assists, not that he needs any help. How dare you! He's come a long way since his twinky days. I seriously doubt he'd break a sweat picking up any of you.

  6. um, idk i'm a whole lotta woman :P but i suppose you're right, he is pretty solid nowadays :D

  7. Well, I'd be only too happy to let him demonstrate his masculine prowess. Say in 8 weeks? OK, Jen - it's a date. Bench lift me to Heaven.

  8. CC, you had me at I'm a whole lotta woman. That's. A selling point not a problem to work around. It's a good thing Pinkwood loves that I'm a big flirt. ;-) Pinkwood J2 would bring you to new heights of pleasure and pain. Oh my! :-P

  9. i am all for jensen bench pressing me and anything else he wants, jared too XD

  10. hey! get in line bishes, Padamuscles can lift you whenever you want, but leave the Ackleabs to me. shush!

  11. thanks for the support Hollowdoll, when finally my superpowers will manifest and i'll be completely able to manipulate human minds, i'll send you a flowers basket held by 4 Padaleki-like strippers who will become your complaisant sex slaves! :D

  12. Hey no fair Watchtower! And Hollowdoll you are rewarding bad behavior! For shame! ;-)
