Monday, March 21, 2011

Damn it! It's bad enough it's Monday! Beware the shark in the water!

Warning, grosser than gross.


  1. I'm sick. I'm gonna be sick.

  2. Awww, bb! *Throws chocolate*

    I love that e-card so hard. I'm going to send it to all my friends every month until they cry.

  3. You poor thing. That is so funny and obnoxious. I love it.

  4. blah, i know just how you feel, thankfully mine has just ended so i don't feel the need to go on a murderous rampage anymore, but for a few days there i just wanted to scream and bitch and curse out anyone who so much as looked at me wrong lol

  5. lol i just read the supposedly grosser than gross one and it wasn't have dissapointed me hollow, i thought you were capable of coming up with much grosser things...*sigh* i guess maybe i won't be asking to borrow your hat in the future...:\

  6. Well apparently Watchtower disagrees with you. That wasn't an official grosser than gross contest. I do try to tone down my general grossness out of deferance to those with a weaker stomach. You said you were going to ask in the future. NO take backs! Serious boob business is serious boob business. Its the family business. BOOBS!

  7. oh c'mon that IS gross. It's probably a troll (at least i hope), but still it has its "eww" effect.
    But im not saying i have weak stomach, gah i survived the "Two girls one cup"-"Putridsexobject"-"Blue Waffle" marathon when my dumb male friends organized it during a class (coz italian guys are THAT stupid).
    Please, DONT google the stuff i wrote or some of u will be scarred for the rest of their life.

  8. hmm...i haven't heard about the "Putridsexobject" "Blue Waffle" thing but i didn't see the other, but bodily functions have no gross out effect on me as i come from the ben edlund school of gross outs :D the valentines couple eating each other was my favorite :D
