Who the hell are you I think.

You sure have come a long way baby!
Happy Birthday!
Jensen earned his badge in twinkiness at a very young age.
Jared was always the tallest twink in the room.
Golden Horn with Twink of Eye
Their uniquely singular golden horn is the crucible of the most potent forces of nature. Fire, water, earth, and air.
At full power they can create hurricanes and earthquakes, fire storms, and tidal waves. Yet are a most gentle and kind creature and can bring life to all their horn touches.
Though they can not resurrect the dead, they can bring to full vitality the near dead, whether that be plant or animal. Yet to touch that horn with out leave is to risk instant atomic dissimulation.
Unicorns, who once roamed the land freely have been hunted by fools who covet their power. With their kind heart, they can easily be tricked.
For all the world knows Golden Horn with Twink of Eye is the last of his kind.

Are you a Unicorn?

If Balthazar were a Unicorn, I bet he'd look something like this.
Oh come on. Don't be mad. You knew it was always going to end up here.
No matter what choices you make, whatever details you alter, *we* will always end up... here
I win, so I win.
Meet Acklecorn from planet Unicorn Heyyy

Here, at least let me make it up to you.
Title: The Unicorn Who Used Up Dean's Shampoo
Characters: Sam, Dean, a unicornRatings/Warnings: PG/copious use of the word "unicorn" and unapologetic repurposing of a Dogma joke.
Word Count: 920
Summary: There's a unicorn in the motel room shower, and he's getting really sick of this Winchester gawk-at-the-unicorn bullcrap.
The unicorn was already in the shower when Sam went to brush his teeth. Bleary-eyed from sleep, he had a mouthful of toothpaste suds before he saw it: the flick of a pink tail in the mirror. Sam paused and turned around. There in the dingy motel shower, standing out stark white and sparkly against the vine-themed tiles, was a unicorn.
Sam’s jaw unhinged. “Uh,” he said.
“I’m a unicorn,” said the unicorn, shrugging its unicorn shoulders.
“Neat,” said Sam, backing out of the bathroom slowly.
Dean was still asleep on the bed nearest the bathroom, his legs tangled in the covers.
“Dean,” Sam said.
“Mmg,” Dean replied into the pillow.
Sam cleared his throat. “DEAN.”
Dean started upright, gasping, “I didn’t come on you, Cas, I swear!” He blinked up at his brother. “Dude, it’s not even ten yet. Whaddaya want?”
“There’s a unicorn in the bathroom.”
Dean stared for a second before smirking. “Sammy, remember we talked about you drinking the hand sanitizer?”
“Yeah, when I was five. I’m not hallucinating this time, Dean - there really is a unicorn in the bathroom.”
Dean assessed the seriousness in his face for a moment before rolling out of bed and joining his brother on a suspicious march into the bathroom.
The unicorn looked at them with a bored expression. “Is there a problem here?”
“That’s—” Dean started, glancing from his brother to the unicorn and taking a defensive stance. “You’re a unicorn.”
“I know,” said the unicorn.
“But unicorns don’t exist,” Dean said.
“Excuse me? I don’t ‘exist’?” The unicorn huffed glitter out its nostrils, giving Dean a glare. “Mister—Winchester, is it?—do I go around telling people you don’t exist? Don’t you think that would be teeniest bit rude?”
“Um, unicorn?” Sam said, stepping forward. “How did you get into our shower without us noticing? And how did you know our last name?”
“I’M A UNICORN,” barked the unicorn. “Oh my god, are all hunters this stupid, or is this a family trait?”
Dean frowned and crossed his arms. “Okay, I’m gonna ignore that last jab, since I’m not quite awake yet and you’re a unicorn, but mind telling us why you’re in our shower?”
The unicorn heaved a dramatic sigh. “You have hex bags protecting the room, and I needed to evade some leprechauns.”
“Leprechauns?” Sam repeated.
“Yes, leprechauns,” the unicorn said, shaking its head in exasperation. “You ever been cornered by a herd of leprechauns? It’s like drowning in tiny hands.”
“Well, that’s…upsetting,” Dean said, making a face.
“Let me guess,” Sam said, “they can’t get past the hex bags but you can, because you’re a unicorn?”
“Give the man a toaster!” cried the unicorn.
“How come the shower?” Dean asked. “What, you didn’t want to cuddle up with Sasquatch here?”
“I needed a shower,” the unicorn replied.
“Because…unicorns need frequent showers?” Dean guessed.
“No, because I couldn’t ditch the smell of pennies after getting groped by the goddamn leprechauns,” the unicorn answered, frowning at him. “I used up all your shampoo, by the way. Look, guys, I hate to cut the Unicorn Question and Super Obvious Answers Session short, but I’m tired, and if I don’t condition, my mane and tail are going to puff up like cotton candy. Can you give me a few minutes to myself?”
The boys walked out of the bathroom and closed the door. Behind them, the sound of shower jets cut in. Dean gave the room a dreamy look. “How long’s it been since we had cotton candy?”
“Focus, Dean,” Sam whispered. “There’s a unicorn in our shower,”
“Well, thank you, genius, I’ll go call the Coast Guard,” Dean hissed back, brought down from his daydream. “The question is, what do we do?”
“Kick him in the crotch and run?”
“Do unicorns even have something down there to kick?”
Over the sound of the shower, the unicorn called, “Bigger than in your wildest dreams!”
“I don’t dream about unicorns,” Dean said hastily.
“I will never ask,” Sam promised.
The shower turned off.
“That was fast,” Dean said.
“Dude,” Sam said, giving him an obvious look. “Unicorn.”
The bathroom door creaked open, and in strode the unicorn, tossing his lustrous mane so it sent sparkles and tiny heart-shaped bubbles cascading to the ugly carpet. “Ahh. Much better. Well, boys, it’s been fun, but my ultrasonic hearing isn’t picking up the evil cackling of tiny voices anymore so I think I can get going now.”
“So soon?” Dean said sarcastically. “But we were just getting to know each other.”
“You have to excuse our ignorance,” Sam said eagerly, extending his hands to the unicorn. “We grew up thinking your kind were just a myth. I have so much more to ask you! Like, are there more of you? Does your horn really grant immortality? How come we’ve never seen one of you before?”
The unicorn leaned in very close to Sam, its large opalescent eyes reflecting the sunshine. “Because,” he said seriously, “we don’t hang out with gomers.”
Then, with a sound like a thousand beautiful princesses raising their voices in song, the unicorn disappeared.
“‘Gomers’?” Sam murmured to himself.
“Don’t let him get to you, man,” Dean said, shrugging. “Clearly, unicorns are tools.”
“Yeah,” Sam whispered to himself sadly. In his deepest dreams, he’d always secretly wanted unicorns to exist - he’d wanted something truly beautiful and magical to exist in this ugly world. But it turned out, like every other hope he’d ever held close, this one was was doomed to disappoint him.
Dean opened the motel fridge and scowled at the freezer compartment. “Aw, man! The unicorn ate my Hot Pockets!”
Edit: And by "the end" I mean for a little while.
Edit2: See what this insanity has wrought? SEE?
Part 1: The Unicorn Who Used Up Dean's Shampoo
Part 2: The Unicorn Who Apologized For Stealing Hot Pockets
Part 3: The Unicorn Who Made Sam Deeply Uncomfortable
Part 4: The Unicorn Who Interrupted An Angel Of The Lord
Part 5: The Unicorn Who Ruined a Patented Winchester Heart-to-heart
Part 6: The Unicorn Who Helped Sam Reclaim His Childhood
Part 7: The Unicorn Who Crashed the Garrison's Pool Party
Part 8: The Unicorn Who Ruined the Apocalypse
This has been a Hornicorn/Pornicorn production.
I don't even know where to begin! This post is just, I can't find a word. LMAO!
ReplyDeleteOk, I really gotta know. What planet are you from? These are not the posts of the average, hum drum human brain! Your brain needs to be studied so they can mimic it into a drug so I can see life the way you do! ;-P
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to one beautiful son of a bitch. No offense meant Mrs. Ackles.
ReplyDeleteGurl! You crazeee!
ReplyDeleteThis is the best birthday post I have ever seen! You are awesome! Happy Birthday Jensen!
ReplyDeleteThis is what looking at J2 for too long, drinking, karaoke and sleep deprivation do for you ;) This is a magnificent tribute, bb. PADAPPROVED :D x
ReplyDeleteI love that you all have the same loony off the wall sense of humor that I do. Pinkwood said too bad we can't throw Jensen a bday party. I wish! We could play pin the antlers on Jared. Or wack a pinata that looks like Clint. Playing guess the flavor of lipgloss, which one do you think is Jensen's fave? So much fun to be had!
ReplyDeleteWho wants to play a game of Freckle, Freckle, Padahump? :-P
ReplyDeleteI like to think about how J2 celebrated over the weekend. Jensen may be a little more bowlegged now. Freckle, freckle Padahump sounds like a good game to me. How do you play?
ReplyDeleteI love Unicorns! This adorable. Happy bday Jensen.
ReplyDeleteHell yes! This post is rediculously funny! The Acklecorn from planet Unicorn Heyyy?! ;-P It's a Hornicorn production! bwwwaaahahahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteI must be having a daydream because I can't believe my eyes. LMAO!
ReplyDeleteSam and Dean unicorn fanfic?! I don't even know where to begin! Pornicorn? Where on earth did you find all of the Unicorn pics?! This place is insane.
ReplyDeleteShhhhh....the Unicorns are coming! ;-P
ReplyDeletePORNICORN! Best coined word ever!
ReplyDeletehigh-five crazeepantz!