This in no way means that I don't like one Mr. Jared Padalecki.
Consider this as the equivalent of me pulling his hair cuz I have a crush on him.
Jensen and Jared provide me with hours of hours of amusement on many levels.
On and off screen they as well as the rest of the cast add extra awesomeness to my life.
They live under the microscope of an obsessed fandom. Everything they do is dissected.
I take it all with a sense of humor and no judgement.
As far as I can tell no matter what they do they can't win. Talk about frustrating.
I will enjoy their acting no matter what. While I enjoy gossiping and speculating
about their sexuality it really makes no difference to me. Except sometimes fans
reactions to events really crack me up.
******: Left my new puppy 2intv Jared Padalecki this morning. He did not make me regret it. & he just threw down the gauntlet 4Jensen Ackles later.
******: I told Jared Padalecki that he's unusually tall for an actor. He might be the only one who doesn't lie about his height. Also...
******: "You're 5 ft 3? that's how tall my wife is." ----> don't play with my imagination, son.
******: Any guy who drops an F-bomb within the first 2 minutes has my affection, straight up.
2011-02-05 08:06 pm UTC
God he is so predictable I could write the script for him.
2011-02-05 08:09 pm UTC
Glad he reminded us he was married, I had forgotten.
2011-02-05 08:11 pm UTC
2011-02-05 08:11 pm UTC
honestly what next?
Oh, my WIFE has brown hair.
Oh, my WIFE has two eyes.
oh, my WIFE has breasts. (Not that i'd know what to do with them, but they're there, i'm sure they are, we'll i'm pretty sure, though i've not actually SEEN them....tum te tum).
2011-02-05 08:16 pm UTC
Interviewer: i just stepped on a brown bug!
Jared: Brown you say? That's the color of my wife's eyes! What a coincidence!
Oh, my WIFE has brown hair.
Oh, my WIFE has two eyes.
oh, my WIFE has breasts. (Not that i'd know what to do with them, but they're there, i'm sure they are, we'll i'm pretty sure, though i've not actually SEEN them....tum te tum).
2011-02-05 08:16 pm UTC
You're 5 ft 3? that's how tall my wife is."Lolol. Oh Jared, never change. You knew that boy would find a way to bring up Genv in the interview. He's resourceful.
Interviewer: i just stepped on a brown bug!
Jared: Brown you say? That's the color of my wife's eyes! What a coincidence!
2011-02-05 08:26 pm UTC
My god, JPad is so fucking weird. Het, hat, whatever, the way he brings Gen up whenever he can is so very strange. He must be sick of saying "my wife, my wife, my WIFE" by now.

2011-02-05 08:30 pm UT
2011-02-05 08:30 pm UT
Well fans kept complaining that he was hiding her, so now he has to talk about her. Just stop talking about it so much and maybe he'll stop.

2011-02-05 09:03 pm UTC
2011-02-05 09:51 pm UTC

2011-02-05 09:03 pm UTC
Eh, somehow I don't think he's sick of it at all but YMMV. And he knows exactly which interviewer to mention "the wife" to -- the one who writes a GOSSIP column. Great PR move, Jared! *hi five*

2011-02-05 09:51 pm UTC
"You're a woman? My wife is one of those too! Coincidence?!"