Which we all know is the most important thing in Jensen's universe! ;-P

Here is some of the more interesting play by play.
Apparently this isn't the first story like this:
Can you smell it? Gay love is in the air!
Jared talking about the nutcracker scene.
I still have not decided who was more nervous during certain parts of that episode.
I met Jensen & Jared at the LA con last weekend but, it was only for a split second. I feel so sorry for those people who travel across the country & the world to go to conventions and can't even talk to them...I also have to say, Jensen & Jared are super sweet young men. They are rediculesly busy & they do conventions on their free time. I would NEVER want to be them! The pressure is enormous. Carolyn, you can't talk to them! One woman grabbed jared's crotch! I think that's just sick!!!
I gotta tell ya, Gen was furious! Can't say I blame her.
http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=99 91232322&topic=29680&perpage=30&post_index=1&start=-46&post_id=504680&hash=ff5cff804a7e3

Raise your hand if you want to be tickled by Jared's "feather".
Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Fan grabbed Jared's crotch?
I have to ask! What do the boys look like in person? Is Jared really that muscular? Does Dean look as pretty boy in real life? I am perfectly happy watching them on television...just curious if the tv does them justice!
@Rania, honestly, they look young & skinny! I was expecting this huge guy (Jared) but, he was just this tall, thin boy! I'm old enough to be Jareds mother so, I guess that has a lot to do with it. Jared is WAY cuter in person than he is on the screen! Jensen is cute but, not as hot as on TV...Sorry. He has a lot of freckles and he's smaller..He does have beautiful eyes, though.
Love this pic because to me it looks like Jensen and Jared snuck into the amusement park after hours. They brought a bottle of booze. They started fooling around and Jensen took a picture of Jared. All turned on, half drunk and woozy. FanFic anyone?
Somebody replied to an anonymous comment left in a LiveJournal post. The comment they replied to was: |
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't something similar happen years ago at maybe the second or third convention, only it was a guy who grabbed Jared's crotch and Jensen who was furious?Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Fan grabbed Jared's crotch?
I remember that of course someone came around and elaborated on that story saying Jeff was at this con as well and it was him who was most upset not Jensen. *eyeroll* I used to wonder how old these hets were who made up these stories but based on the last couple con attendees (especially these older concert goers) I gotta say it's crazy that these woman seem to all be older and not young inexperienced women.

Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Fan grabbed Jared's crotch?
I remember that of course someone came around and elaborated on that story saying Jeff was at this con as well and it was him who was most upset not Jensen. *eyeroll*
Anon above:
I remember this nonnie, I lol'ed. They really should try harder. I mean for one thing, most of us had read about that incident at the time it happened, so we knew Jared's brother wasn't even THERE. And what guy gets all worked up defending his brothers honor, especially grown men. SERIOUS *eye roll*

Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Fan grabbed Jared's crotch?
The crotch grabbing incident happened at the last convention the guys did in Australia and it wasn't exactly his crotch.
They had the guys sitting for the photo ops and some woman grabbed The top of Jared's thigh, very close to his crotch. It upset Jared. Both Jensen and Danneel who was there as well were also both upset and with goood reason that. It's grossly inapropriate for a total stranger to grab another person in such a personal way.
A no touching rule was put into place directly after that incident for all the other photo ops that day. Everyone blamed Danneel for being overly possessive until it came out about the incident with Jared being grabbed

.Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Fan grabbed Jared's crotch?
This isn't the incident anons were speaking of here. For one thing, it wasn't an International con, it was a GUY who grabbed/groped Jared, and Danneel was either not there, or not mentioned. And yes, it was reported that JENSEN was pissed. As I stated before, this was mentioned on a few sites, and I didn't read about it here first.
I've never heard of the incident you're speaking of here. Perhaps other anons have Idk.

Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Fan grabbed Jared's crotch?
Funny, because I had heard that it had happened to Jensen to that con, not Jared. Anyway the groping incident mentioned here by some anon did not - supposedly - happen on an international con
Somebody replied to an anonymous comment |
This isn't the incident anons were speaking of here. For one thing, it wasn't an International con, it was a GUY who grabbed/groped Jared, and Danneel was either not there, or not mentioned. And yes, it was reported that JENSEN was pissed. As I stated before, this was mentioned on a few sites, and I didn't read about it here first.
I've never heard of the incident you're speaking of here. Perhaps other anons have Idk.

OMG it's little Jared Padalecki!
Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Fan grabbed Jared's crotch?
Oh and you think Jensen being pissed that his friend was inappropriately grabbed is some indication of gay love?
Gosh then I and several other female friends must be madly in love with our other female friend who got her breast pawed by some guy at an amusement park we went to. Because we were all royally pissed that he thought he had the right to do that to our friend or any woman!
Actors get pissed all the time when they or other actors they know are treated like pieces of meat or something other people male or female have the right to paw over any way they want. Jensen had every right to get pissed that something so grossly inappropriate happend to Jared just as much as he would have the right to be pissed if it happend to Matt Cohen or Richard Speight Jr. It's a sign of Jensen's respect for Jared, not a sign of jealous gay love.

@#$%^&*#$%^&*!!!!!! Jared you are such a tease!
Somebody replied to an anonymous comment |
I'm not bothered by a delay AT ALL.(I for one do not konw anyone who does that. I mean really!
First, why do you assume the woman (who posted to Facebook) has a Twitter or reads/posts to a fansite? After all she didn't post here, her Facebook entry was brought over here.
Since she was posting to her Facebook, and interacted with her friends on Facebook, the intense judgements going on here are unwarrented, in my opinion.
For me it seems less likely that she has an agenda, since she's posting on HER Facebook, which wouldn't necessarily be found by fans of either stripe, het or hat.
She probably doesn't know that crazy fans (again of either stripe) troll through the internets looking for Jensen, Jared or SPN related material.

Licky, Licky Yum, Yum!!
Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Fan grabbed Jared's crotch?
First, why do you assume the woman (who posted to Facebook) has a Twitter or reads/posts to a fansite? After all she didn't post here, her Facebook entry was brought over here.
Anon above:
Ummmm....yeah. I think the point anons were making here, is IF some fan had groped/grabbed Jared. One of the MANY (actually most) of the fans who were at the con, would have been all over twitter with it. just like everyone thing else that happens at these things.
NO WAY only this woman knows about it. Have you not noticed that this seems to be the theme of this years LA con. One special person, (sometimes even a certain co-star) happens to see people that are invisible to everyone else. Or they hear words spoken, that no one else did. Or they witness an incident that everyone else managed to miss.
That is of course until certain VIP's/Clif's 'special friends,' have a 'chance' to tweet about it.

Apparently they mean it when they say Everything is Bigger in Texas!
Here's the thing.
As you know I just did a post on Mr. Jared Padalecki's crotch.
That in and of itself, lets face it, is not too surprising.
I certainly I have my own private stash of peen pics.
However, in this case, that was not going to be enough.
As I needed pics I googled the usual words with JP's name.
Of course I eventually got to padapeen.
Which needs no introduction.
I mean come one! That's covered in Padalecki 101 chapter 1 - The Padapeen and you.
So I googled padapeen. *wiggles eyebrows*
About the third page I was seeing a pattern here. Naturally there were links to A2J2 and some to the home planet as well, those were a no brainer. But on top of that a lot of the pics were linked to my blog! Whut the Whut? WTF?! I am sure I have not mentioned "padapeen" that many times in that many posts! I know I have an obsession but please. There is not enough time in the day!
However, google has decided that I am a perverted, deviant that has too much time on their hands.
You know what they say. Idle hands are the Devils Dildo or something like that.
In conclusion, google is a lying liar who lies. Who's word are you going to take for it. Mine or googles?
This message brought you by The Miniarture Flying Gold Padapeen and the D, S and L.

The stories that fandumb come up with really amaze me. At least come up with a new one. Put a little effort into it people! Show Dick some respect! LMAO!
ReplyDeleteLol the first picture always makes me all tingly *smirks*
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Jensen took care of that bulge right after the picture was taken.
Padacock is irresistible.
Gosh, i was an innocent polite girl before meeting these two guys, jeez.
No such thing as too much padapeen! That is a pretty lame story.
ReplyDeleteJensen forearmed a girl who jumped on him. Imagine what he would do to someone who dared to touch the padapeen!