Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It was all going well until then wasn't. Like a Virgin

Like a Virgin? I doubt, Ms. Immaculate Conception really cares.
I need a virgin! Or do I?! It's not always about sex! Or is it?
Who's going to confirm Sammy's really a virgin!(pop his cherry?)
Really, virginity/sex is a matter of perspective. Long before Monica (you know who, may I suck you?) Lauren was rocking our world with her button biting. Oh the good old days, when life was simpler!
I'm useless because I hate spoilers! I have lost my mind, however I suggest

'Supernatural's' shocking return: Five reasons to watch 'Like a Virgin'

Itching for the return of "Supernatural" after a long holiday hiatus? Zap2it got a sneak peek at the Jan. 28 premiere episode, and while we don't want to give too much away, we can tell you that it won't disappoint. Consider it added to our list of all-time favorite episodes.

"Supernatural" fans are as passionate as they are divided, but Friday's episode has something for everyone. (Unless Crowley is your fave. The wisecracking King of Hell does not appear to be joining the legions of "Supernatural" characters who have been resurrected.)

Here are 5 reasons you should stay home on Friday night, DVR "Fringe," and watch "Supernatural" at 9 p.m. EST on The CW. We'd recommend you have your tissues handy.

1. Meet the next Big Bad.
While the focus of Season 6 thus far has been retrieving Sam's soul, Friday's episode introduces viewers to a new villain who is, dare we say it, more formidable than those who have come before. Lucifer was scary mostly because of his name and the history around it, but when you find out how the next foe is released, there will be no "Sympathy for the Devil" involved.

2. Rise and shine, Sam Winchester.
We won't tell you exactly what condition Sam is in when he eventually wakes up from Death's little procedure, but he does wake up - and that Great Wall in his head may not be as durable as Dean had hoped. As Castiel says in the ominous preview clip below, Sam's soul has more or less been skinned alive, so a bumpy landing is to be expected. We've already said that we think Jared Padalecki has upped his acting game this season. We're still impressed, now that soul has met body.

3. Virgins in a cage.
Enough of the touchy feely crap! Winchester family trouble has never given the creepy-crawlies pause, so far be it from the bad guys to stop being bad guys long enough for Dean to figure out how to approach Sam's new condition. The episode has all of the B-movie horror goodness we've come to crave from "Supernatural" - seriously, virgins in a cage - plus an original twist on a timeless legend. (Basically, the coolest dragon ever.)

4. Remember Season 2?
We've gotten so used to the Winchester brothers lying to each other for episodes on end that we had to pick our jaws up off the floor during a particularly refreshing moment of honesty. The Zap2it staffers in the office all agreed that it felt like Season 2. Sam and Dean appear to be on the same page -- at least momentarily.

5. You will laugh out loud. The physical comedy that Jensen Ackles is so darn good at reaches a high point in this episode (not to say that he doesn't tug on our heartstrings as well) -- as do the one-liners and pop-culture references that prevent the show from getting too dark and dreary. (Let's just say we hadn't pegged Bobby for a "Harry Potter" fan, but apparently he really does read everything.)

To answer a few questions that have come our way on Twitter... Nobody is shirtless, but everyone's hair looks great. Bobby (Jim Beaver) is in the episode, and he's not quick to forget that Sam tried to murder him just days ago. Castiel (Misha Collins) plays an essential role in the relationship between Sam and Dean, remains awesome while doing so.

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