Sunday, January 30, 2011

Guess I'm going to have to start saving my Hershey's Kiss wrappers

"If I had a steal beanie, I would put it on. hint hint, hint hint."
Well I guess that confirms what I always suspected. Jared is a closet tinhat.
I realize it's all allegedly until we get a formal statement from Jared confirming this.
I expect a press release any day now.
Guess I'm going to have to start saving my Hershey's Kiss wrappers as we
all know that Jared has a freakishly large 5 head.
So until then I'll just hang out with the other tinhatters and eat some popcorn.

It was also quite a treat to see Jensen's inner bitch come out as well as checking Jared's ass out about 30 seconds in. Jensen must have gotten a little torked up from all the tin hat talk and forgot where he was.
Hey it happens to the best of us. No harm no foul. Feel free to forget where you are and let it all hang out

What you want to see that again and again and again and again.
Sheesh you are insatiable.

Well I just have to include this, cuz, well I mean look at it.
It just happened to show up in my search for tinhat pics. hhhhmmmm....
I'm starting to see a pattern here.

P.S. I wish I lived in Seattle cuz this would be awesome!


  1. Tee hee! He totes checks it out. He also does an EPIC bitchface when she disses the Padahair. He's all like 'I bet YOU'RE having a bad hair day, BITCH!' Possessive!Jensen! makes me all tingly :D

  2. sorry to burst your bubble, but jared didn't say "steal beanie" he said "seal beanie" b/c the girl was wearing a hat in the shape of a seal from some aquarium, but let's just pretend he said steal :D

  3. Oh it's gonna like that is it? ;-) Until Jared knocks on my door to personally correct me, I like my version of events better. Your version doesn't make for an amusing post. I've never been one to let tru fax get in my way. Glad you found it funny! Smooches!

  4. Thanks I needed a laugh!
