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Sunday, July 3, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Sammy is that you? Courtesy of CC
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Friday, July 1, 2011
Supernaturally MAD
This fucking awesome!
I used buy MAD magazine.
Yeah this kinda dates me a little but I don't care.
No way no how. This rocks!
I used buy MAD magazine.
Yeah this kinda dates me a little but I don't care.
No way no how. This rocks!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The het parade ran over the bearded lady!
Unless there is a way to turn off comment approval, this will not be our new home.
I appreciate your patience.
Unless there is a way to turn off comment approval, this will not be our new home.
I appreciate your patience.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
I am having a love/hate relationship with this place!
It is not living up to my expectations.
So I going to temporarily post at a new site.
We'll see how that goes.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Its Monday and Jensen Ackles looks this good every second of the day.
I knew there was a reason to get out of bed this morning.
Of course this is also a reason to go back to bed. ;-P
Oh to be a key chain.
That's some prime real estate there.
Friday, June 24, 2011
NY Senate Votes For Marriage Equality!!
YEAH! It's been a busy week getting ready for pride!
The jeep is looking amazing and I haven't lost my mind yet.
This is so fabulous! Every bit helps!

It's over: The New York State Senate has voted to legalize gay marriage by a vote of 33 - 29 tonight.
After a session at times charged with heartbreak and at others with anger, Republican lawmakers voted to put the legalization of same-sex nuptials just over the 32-vote threshhold needed.
The bill will go to Gov. Cuomo, who's made it a top agenda item, for his signature. As supporters of the bill burst into applause, cheers and chants of "USA!" Cuomo himself strode onto the Senate floor.
During the discussion, watched on a Senate livestream by well over 46,000 people, State Sen. Tom Duane spoke of telling his parents that he was gay, and their fearful response that gays lived lonely lives subject to discrimination and even violence.
Duane, who is also HIV+, spoke of making the case for domestic partner benefits and protections against hate crimes as a City Councilman and a senator. He thanked Gov. Cuomo for his "incredible and truthful and strong leadership" on this issue. He also thanked Skelos.
"Marriage says that we are a family. Louis and I are a family," a sometimes-tearful Duane said, speaking of his longtime partner. "It provides security and peace of mind... Marriage recognizes that love and commitment."
State Sen. Mark Grisanti, who was targeted by Lady Gaga and other activists, took the floor -- and ended up receiving a major ovation -- to say he'd "struggled with this immensely... As a Catholic I was raised to believe that marriage was between a man and a woman... I'm also here [with] a background as an attorney."
He said that those who voted for him may question his integrity because of his vote to legalize marriage equality, but "I cannot legally come up with an argument against same-sex marriage," he said, adding that his research shows civil unions lead to chaos rather than true equality. "I believe that you can be wiser today than yesterday, if you do the work."
Under-indictment Brooklyn Sen. Carl Kruger, who voted against legalizing same-sex marriage last time it came up, said tonight's vote was not a big change in his position, but "a reaffirmation of what a family is." He said on behalf of his community, "the right and the freedoms that this Empire State has built its reputation on should live forever. I vote yes."
The religious exemption amendments applied to the bill passed by a vote of 36 - 26.
Sen. Steve Saland, one of the last GOP fence-sitters, spoke at length about the exemptions for religious organizations built into the legislation after much debate.
"What's important about this bill is that it contains a number of additions and a number of changes and very, very critically important is the presence of an inseverability clause at the conclusion of the bill." In particular, he said the exemptions were meant to protect religious or religiously affiliated groups, non-profits, etc. from civil or government actions.
He also noted the initial proposal said a clergyman or minister did not have to solemnize a marriage, and refusal to do so would not create a civil claim cause of action. Saland said protections would also extend to houses of worship by providing that state or local government could not penalize them for declining to perform gay weddings.
"I would really like to add on a personal note that I have as many people are aware, certainly struggled over this issue. It has been an extremely issue to deal with, coming from a rather traditional background and having been married for some 46 years," as well as coming from a family that preached tolerance and respect for others.
"My quandary was all the folks who wrote me all the thousands of letters (and) emails... They all asked me to do the right thing. I'm not sure I can do the right thing by all the proponents and opponents. My decision (is) going to disappoint (some)," he said. "I feel to do otherwise would fly in the face of my upbringing. I know my vote is a vote of conscience and I certainly am at peace with my vote... I feel that if my parents were here, they would tell me I would have done the right thing."
Saland declined to yield to Sen. Ruben Diaz, Sr. on the religious exemption portion of the vote. Diaz, of course, has been one of the most fiery opponents of gay marriage throughout the debate, and suggested Saland's refusal to yield might be construed as Saland being "ashamed" of his vote.
"For the second time, we are trying to redefine marriage," said Diaz, who is also a minister.
"They are making the Republican party do what the Democrats failed to do when they were in the majority," he said, calling the GOP the party that "always protected traditional values" has become a "tool of the Democratic voters."
He and Lt. Gov. Robert Duffy, who is presiding over the Senate, got into an procedural argument about the amount of time alotted to Diaz to speak. He similarly accused Duffy of being ashamed to allow further floor discussion of the bill. "I am proudly voting no," he concluded.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
If by chance you forgot
Why we love Misha so much.
Here's a quick reminder.
Here's a quick reminder.
To those who are complaining about Misha...
Oh well I'm sorry you don't get it.
So sad, too bad.
Move on you are not going to change our minds.
Poll Winner Jared Padalecki Thanks Fans 'A Million'

I'm sure we can think of a million little and BIG ways for Jared to thank us!
When we nominated 10 up-and-comers in our TV Stars We Wanna See Become Movie Stars poll, we weren't expecting the deluge of support from fans of "Supernatural" star Jared Padalecki. But after talking to Padalecki -- the winner of the poll with a remarkable 51 percent of the votes -- we realize that... maybe we should have.
"I guess the reason so many people voted is because 'Supernatural' has such a rabid following," Padalecki explains. "They're really supportive of me. I wouldn't have that following if it weren't for 'Supernatural.'"
"Thanks a million," he tells fans. "That makes me feel really good, really flattered. I don't know what to say, that's huge. Really cool."
In honor of the big win, NextMovie talked to Padalecki about his Hollywood plans and more.
If you do make the jump to movies, are there any roles you're shooting for?
I want to do everything. There's a book that I read, really a great book -- it's called "Lone Survivor" and I think they're trying to make it into a movie. I would love to play Marcus Luttrell, who was the author and the "lone survivor." He's a national hero; he's very courageous and heroic in insurmountable danger, so it's something I'd love to explore. And being involved in – what, three wars, right now? The U.S? — it's easy to sit here and worry about rats in my vents and wisdom teeth being pulled.* Meanwhile, there are a lot of people who don't have running water and… [there are men and women] fighting for our freedom. I'm really grateful for that and I’d love to explore that on screen.
Long story short, I see movies all the time that I'd love to be in.
The CW Anything you've seen recently?
A lot of the movies I'd like to be in, I haven't been right for yet. The first one that comes to mind (because I just watched it again) is "Inglorious Basterds." It was such an awesome movie, such great acting. And actually, my father's a big war buff , so I became a big war buff -- anything having to do with World War II, I'd love to be a part of. I'd love to do a war movie in some way, shape or form.
I'd love to do a comedy. I'm terrified of comedy. I don't think I'm funny, but I guess that's why it's so thrilling.
Is there a particular actor whose career you'd really love to mirror?
Yeah, I really like Tom Hanks' career. It's hard not to like his career. There are a lot of actors that I really love to watch, actors who I have fun watching -- I think Johnny Depp is phenomenal. But I wouldn't want that career as much as I'd like a career like Tom Hanks -- he kind of represents the everyman. It's difficult to watch a movie with Tom Hanks and not feel like you're experiencing with him as much as watching him. I lean towards him. And everything I've heard from people in the business is that he's a really genuine, respectable, grateful guy. I'd love to work with him as much as someday have a career like his.
Would you ever consider leaving "Supernatural" if the right role popped up at the wrong time for your shooting schedule?
I wouldn't. I'm a Texas guy, and the good and bad of that is that I'm always, first and foremost, loyal. If it weren't for "Supernatural," I wouldn't have a lot of the blessings that I have today, so I'm going to play it out. I'm going to give it my all. I'll be with the cast and crew for the remainder, as long as the fans want us on the air and the network obliges.
I'd love to have a movie career. I'm still pretty young. I'm not going to be 29 for another month. So if the show goes another year, I'm 30. If it goes for five years, I'm 34. I think I'm hopefully in the dawn of my career, not in the dusk, so I think I'd be happier sticking it out with "Supernatural."
Who is your TV star you want to see make it big in movies?
There's a buddy of mine who I think is really talented — Zachary Levi. On "Chuck," obviously, he plays Chuck. I'm a big fan of him as a person. I think he's a really nice, cool guy. He's really funny. He's fun to be around and I think he'd be fun to see on the big screen. Maybe he and I, we'll grow together.
Warner Bros. Don't let this influence your answer, we talked to Alexis Bledel and she totally said yes -- but if they came to you with a solid script, would you still do a "Gilmore Girls" movie?
One hundred percent. I would love to. I really would truly love to. It was so fun. I have nothing but fond memories of that show. I came to it straight out of high school, I grew up on the show, and I'd love to go revisit that character.
That's one of the fun things, about a TV show like "Gilmore Girls" or "Supernatural" -- you get these really passionate followers that put you in the lead in awesome polls like this. And someday maybe you get to go revisit them on the big screen. Maybe that would be a nice way to appease the people who were nice enough to vote for me.
Oh, on that note, can I make a shameless plug?
I just got a Twitter two weeks ago. I finally made the plunge and got a Twitter. I was going to do @jaredpadalecki, since that's my name, but that's already taken. I guess there are several Jared Padaleckis out in the world, so I'm actually @jarpad. That’s the real me.
* These are the real details of Padalecki's bad week - wisdom tooth removal and a rat problem -- and the reasons why he's especially grateful for your votes.
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