Saturday, January 29, 2011

Who doesn't love a good conspiracy theory, just ask Mel Gibson.

Apparently #fuckCW is the Mel Gibson of the network world. Who knew?

#fuckCW groups offended check list:

SPN fandumb
human beings with brains
people with self respect
lovers of fanfic
supporters of a show that gets more advertisement from the fans, while #fuckCW sits on it's ass.
those of us who do have souls

Somebody replied to an anonymous comment left in a LiveJournal post. The comment they replied to was:

How's this for a #supernatural conspiracy theory: WB owns rights to SPN and Fringe (and The CW of course). It profits them to make sure Fringe gets another year since they reap the benefits of syndication and DVD sales. So, delay SPN a week, get Fringe another week of good no-competition ratings (since they share a similar fanbase), Fringe gets renewed, voila.

#Fringe fans: Awesome two week victory! Next challenge: Don't let it bleed any viewers off to Supernatural!! #WatchFringeLive 398731723051008

Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Any truth to this theory?
I really think that affords way too much intelligence to the execs involved. CW just screwed up Thursday, they made a mistake and are too stupid or mendacious to acknowledge that. I don't think there's a conspiracy, just common or garden variety idiocy.

Their reply was:
Subject: Re: Any truth to this theory?
Whether CW screwed up Thursday is in the eye of the beholder. They put rerun their two biggest hits on Friday which was smart because it exposed those programs to an audience that usually would not watch them. Also it was a try out for a replacement for Smallville will be gone after this season.

Fringe has a loyal fan base that followed the program to Friday which is considered the second worst night to be on. Fox moved Fringe to make room for American Idol.

Networks put their best programs on Thursday because that is the biggest ad revenue night. The weekend is coming up and advertisers know people will be looking to something to do. That's why you see so many movies ads on Thursday. American Idol will bring more money into Fox pockets than Fringe which is considered cultish.

The real test will be over the coming weeks. Supernatural and Fringe will split a large part of the audience and when there spilts no one wins.

Of course I have my own theory as to why as to why we are being screwed and they
are not even going to buy us dinner first. Apparently one blaspheme too many and
it will come back to bite you in the ass.

Someone tries to ask a thoughtful question about the treatment of angels but Misha and Jared are in full goofing around mode now and interrupt her lot. “It’s not just serious it’s well worded,” jokes Misha. He and
back and forth while she’s talking. She finally gets it out, but they keep going. repeats the question to himself, thinking hard for an answer. “Blah, blah, big word,” Misha replies to Jared’s mumbling. “She didn’t say anything about hair.” Jared isn’t sure that they are
negatively. She explains that the only good angels on the show
Heaven, and when they went to Heaven Joshua was like, “Oh by the way, you and quit looking for him. And then Castiel’s still an asshole.
Misha backs “his friend Padalecki” on this one, and then they go back and the true status of their relationship. It’s all very amusing but man are these losing focus now. They're borderline slap happy. Misha suggests she reads
sometime, it’s a quick read, and she’ll see that angels aren’t portrayed as people. “If you’re arguing that Supernatural is portraying them in a negative then I think you are taking the King James Bible to task which means you up against the entire Christian Right...” Funny, but wow! Jared takes over more eloquently defends. “Angels are in the bible portrayed as warriors of This was to make them not the Anne Geddes little baby in angel wings.
fighting demons and hellions for five years and they were like ‘lets
were warriors on the other side as well of this large battle.’ I don
trying to (dog a) religion.” Misha is certainly impressed with that answer.
portray God as a sort of a neurotic alcoholic prostitute using writer,
Jared had a “touche” on that point.

My plan was to post the clip of that discussion.
Apparently this is my Waterloo cuz I can't find that Moby!Dick! of a clip anywhere.


1 comment:

  1. This post is pure genius! Snorting at work isn't very professional. Oops!
