Sunday, January 23, 2011


It's all about the freckles baby! Jensen Ackles and Adam Lambert try to hide them from us so our heads don't explode. Who knew a rare freckle sighting could give you an instant orgasm?!
Do not under any circumstances underestimate the power of the freckles!
You have been warned! Continue at your own risk!

Apparently Adam and Jensen are brothers from another mother.

They both like to dress up as cowboys.

They both like to play guitar.

As a child Adam had a bad run in with a really tall whale.

So while Jensen likes em' supersized, Adam likes em' pocket sized.

Neither of them are shy about showing the love, in their own way.

They both definitely enjoy making the funny faces!

They both make pretty girls.

Interesting, Adam likes dressing as a football player.
Jensen likes dressing as a cheerleader.
Together, they make the perfect couple.
adam lambert funny guy squidoo linda randall idea girl make me laugh
(Pssst...don't tell Jared I said that. I don't want my favorite bisexual lumberjack to
squish me like a bug!)

You don't want to make Kong angry.

This picture makes Jensen jealous for two reasons.

1) Adam will always look better with dyed hair then Jensen.
2) Adam is kissing a boy.


  1. LAWL forever at that whale. Have I ever told you that really bad animal costumes are one of my favourite things in the whole world? Well, they ARE. Also bb Jensen's eyes look exactly the same as they do now which KILLS me. He's so adorable. I bet no babysitter stood a chance. And I'm totally gay for Gurl!Jensen!

  2. LOL, awesome post! I hadn't seen a couple of those pics. It kinda scares me that girl!Jensen looks a lot like Alicia Silverstone.

  3. Horrible animal costumes are the best! I'm pretty sure I cackled maniaclly when I found the whale pic and the Jensen!Gurl! pic.

  4. HAHAHA! Amazing! Well researched, BB! I feel edumacated.

    That cheerleader picture will never not bring joy to my heart! And ginge!adam - i never realised. He totally works it!

    Patti xx
    (sorry couldn't work out if i could sign in - darned technology! *shakes fist*)

  5. Thanx Patti! Glad you found it as amusing as I do. I think if you choose Name/URL you can just enter your name first. I am not the smartest when it comes to technology either. This blog is like a week old and I'm still trying to figure everything out. It's the blind leading the blind! xx
